the corporate limits of Williamsport, and upon the property having a situs
therein for the purpose of taxation, a sufficient sum of money to pay for
said property, authorized to be purchased under the provisions of Section
847 hereof, or to pay the unpaid balance thereon, with full power to collect
said taxes as other taxes are collected, and to devote the proceeds thereof
to the purchase of the property as aforesaid
1916, ch. 488, sec. 3.
849. The Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport, in Washington
County, in the State of Maryland, provided they purchase the aforesaid
property are hereby authorized to use the same for such municipal pur-
poses as in their judgment may seem best, to keep the same insured
against loss by fire and to keep the same in repair as repairs are needed
from time to time, and to pay the expenses thereof out of the funds be-
longing to the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport, and if neces-
sary, to levy taxes for such amounts as may be needed to keep the same
insured and in good repair.
1898, ch. 27, sec. 1.
850. For the purpose of establishing, constructing and maintaining
water works capable of furnishing the residents of Williamsport with a
good and sufficient supply of water, and also to properly equip, erect and
maintain an electric light, heat and power plant for lighting the streets,
and alleys of said town, and to supply the citizens and corporations of said
town and its vicinity with electricity in any or all forms; the Burgess and
Commissioners of Williamsport are thereby authorized and directed to
borrow money on the credit of said town, to an amount not exceeding
twenty thousand dollars, and to issue registered coupon bonds of said
town, in payment of the said sum and the interest thereon to accrue;
provided, however, that the question of the issue of said bonds shall be
submitted to the legal and qualified voters of said town at the town elec-
tion held in said town next succeeding the passage of this Act. The said
bonds shall be issued in sums of not less than fifty dollars nor more than
five hundred dollars each, shall have coupons attached for the interest
thereon, payable semi-annually at a rate not exceeding five per centum
per annum, shall each be signed by the Burgess and countersigned by the
clerk to the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport, with the corpo-
rate seal of said town affixed, and shall be registered by said clerk in a
book to be especially provided for that purpose. The said bonds shall be
issued at such time as the said Burgess and Commissioners shall deter-
mine, subject to the provisions of this Act, provided that the date of issue
shall not be later than the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-
*Williamsport has been authorized to issue bonds for enlarging the plant, sub-
ject to referendum vote in each instance, as follows: 1902, ch. 20, $5,000; 1906, ch.
525, $10,000; 1908, ch. 288 (p. 1078), $15,000.