1904, ch. 17, sec. 414.
834. All ordinances passed in pursuance of the powers herein con-
tained and given shall be printed and posted in not less than ten of the
most public and conspicuous places within the corporate limits of said
town and also recorded in a book for that purpose by the clerk, and this
book shall be in the custody and keeping of the Burgesses and Commis-
sioners of the town but shall always be open to the inspection of all per-
sons interested therein.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 415.
835. All ordinances heretofore passed by the Burgess and Commis-
sioners of Williamsport now in force and not inconsistent with this Act
are hereby continued in force until the same are repealed or modified,
and all contracts and stipulations heretofore entered into by the Burgess
and Commissioners of Williamsport under the provisions and powers of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland hereby repealed and re-
enacted shall be and remain in full force and effect.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 416. 1922, ch. 358.
836. The said Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport shall an-
nually lay an equal tax on all the real and personal property within the
corporate limits of the town of Williamsport, or that may have a situs
there, by reason of the residence of the owner thereof therein, not to
exceed in amount eighty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of tax-
able property, to be used for general municipal purposes and for repairs
and improvements on the streets and alleys of said town as the Burgess
and Commissioners may deem necessary, and if at any time it shall be
necessary to meet the expenses of the condemnation of property for the
use of the town and of opening new streets and alleys, and putting the
same in good passable condition and of grading and macadamizing and
otherwise improving any of the streets and alleys of the town, and of
any other necessary work outside of the usual order, and which may entail
more than ordinary expenses, then the said Burgess and Commissioners
may lay an additional tax therefor, not to exceed ten cents on each one
hundred dollars' worth of taxable property within the limits of said cor-
poration; provided that this additional tax shall not be laid oftener than
once in every five years and only when the emergency requires the same
and when the laying of the said tax is corsented to by at least five mem-
bers of the said Burgess and Commissioners. All real estate included
within the corporate limits of said town and used exclusively as farming
land shall be exempt from taxation for municipal purposes until new
streets shall have been laid out and opened through or along such lands;
but when streets and alleys shall be laid out and graded through or along
said lands, then the land abutting on said street and alleys when laid out
by the owner thereof for building lots or sites, shall be to the distance
or depth of said building lots taxed for municipal purposes the same as
other property in said town. The assessment and valuation of the prop-