printed on them a distinct reference to the Act of Assembly authorizing
their issue.
1929, oh. 97, sec. 2.
792. The provisions of the preceding section of this Act shall not
become effective unless the same, when submitted as hereinafter provided,
to the qualified voters of the town of Smithsburg at a regular or special
town election held in said town, shall be approved as hereinafter stated.
After the passage of this Act the Burgess and Commissioners of Smiths-
burg, shall fix and designate the date when the said provisions of this
Act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town at such regular
or special town election. In case more votes are cast at said regular or
special town election against than for said bond issue, the Burgess and
Commissioners shall within ninety (90) days thereafter, fix a date for
the re-submission of the provisions of this Act to the voters of said town
and re-submit the provisions of this Act as hereinafter provided. The
provisions of this Act shall be published in full at least three (3) times
in one or more newspapers published in said Washington County, the first
of said publications to be not less than eight (8) days before the time of
either the regular or special election.
The manner of submission shall be, that on the ballots at said regular
town election, or at any special election held under the provisions of this
Act, there shall be printed the words "For the Bond Issue," with a blank
square opposite at the right, and the words "Against the Bond Issue,"
with a square opposite at the right, and all the voters desiring to vote for
the provisions of this Act shall place a cross (X) mark in the square
opposite the words "For the Bond Issue," and all voters desiring to vote
against the provisions of this Act shall place a cross (X) mark in the
square opposite the words, "Against the Bond Issue." If at the regular
town or any special election held under the provisions of this Act a greater
number of persons shall vote "For the Bond Issue," than "Against the
Bond Issue," then the provisions of this Act shall immediately go into-
effect. In case a greater number of persons at said first regular or special
election held under the provisions of this Act shall vote "Against the Bond
Issue," than "For the Bond Issue," the Burgess and Commissioners of
Smithsburg shall re-submit the provisions of this. Act to the qualified voters
of said town at a special election to be held in said town and to be called
under the provisions of this Act, in the same manner as hereinbefore pro-
vided, and the said second election shall be held in the same manner, form
and proceedings as said first or regular special election, and upon and
under all the requirements of this Act, and if at said second election so
ordered a greater number of voters shall vote "For the Bond Issue," than
shall vote "Against the Bond Issue," then this Act shall immediately go
into effect, but in case a greater number of persons at said second election
held under the provisions of this Act shall vote "Against the Bond Issue,"
than "For the Bond Issue," then and in that event this Act shall be null