burgess at public auction at such times and in such amounts as shall be
required by the burgess and commissioners; provided, the whole amount
of bonded indebtedness of the said corporation of Smithsburg shall not
exceed at any time the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars; said bonds shall
not be liable to county or municipal taxation.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 384. 1888, ch. 313.
786. The burgess and commissioners shall cause to be kept a careful
register of the bonds as issued, and the transfer thereof; and as the bonds
are called in and paid off they shall be cancelled, and a record of such
cancellation by numbers, amounts and names of the last holders of said
bonds shall be made and entered upon the books in which said bonds are
registered. The burgess and commissioners shall not have power to issue
any bonds before the question of said issue of bonds shall be submitted to
and decided in the affirmative by the qualified voters at a regular election,
and the announcement of the submission of said question of issuing bonds
shall accompany the notice of said regular election.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 385. 1888, ch. 313.
787. Whenever the burgess and commissioners shall, by ordinance,
direct any street, highway, lane, alley, square, drain or water-course with-
in the limits of the town to be laid out, opened, widened, extended, straight-
ened or closed up, in whole or in part, the burgess shall give at least ten
days' public notice by putting up printed or written posters in two or
more of the public places of said town, of their purpose to lay out, extend,
widen, straighten or close up the street, highway, lane, alley, square, drain
or water-course so directed to be laid out, opened, extended, widened,
straightened or closed up, and of the day, hour and place of their meeting
for said purpose; and the said burgess and commissioners, or a majority
of the board, shall meet at the time and place mentioned in the notice given
by the burgess and proceed to exercise the powers and perform the duty,
and ascertain whether any and what amount in value of damages will be
caused thereby for which the owner or occupant of any right or. interest
claimed ought to be compensated over and above the amount in value or
benefit which will thereby accrue to such owner or occupant, and ascertain
what amount or benefit will thereby accrue to any lot or parcel of ground
within or adjacent thereto, or to the owner or occupant thereof, and which
said lot or parcel of ground, or the owner or occupant ought to pay, and
have the decision recorded by the clerk of the board in the minutes of the
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 386. 1888, ch. 313.
788. Any person or corporation or association to whom any damages
have been awarded, or against whom any benefits have been assessed, who
shall feel aggrieved by said decision, shall have the right of appeal to the
circuit court for Washington county within ten days after the decision
has been made.