shall be allowed the same costs as constables are allowed for similar
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 375. 1888, ch. 313.
777. The burgess and commissioners shall have power to compel all
turnpike companies whose roads, or any part thereof, lie within the limits
of the town, to perform all the duties and obligations imposed upon them
by their respective charters, or by the laws of the State of Maryland, upon
such parts thereof as are within the limits of the town; and shall have
power to enter into arrangements with the said turnpike companies in
relation to the grading, paving and repairing of the parts of their respec-
tive roads lying within the corporate limits of the town.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 376 1888. ch. 313.
778. The turnpike company, or companies, owning roads running into
the town may cede to the town such parts of their roads as lie within the
limits of the town, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the
burgess and commissioners and said turnpike company or companies; and
the same, when ceded, shall in all respects be subject to the same regula-
tions as the public streets of the town.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 377. 1888, oh. 313.
779. The burgess and commissioners shall have the right to condemn
the parts of all public highways lying within the limits of the town, for
public use, and to open, widen, straighten or close up the same, in whole
or in part; provided, free access is allowed to all public roads running
to the limits of the town through the highways of the town.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 373. 1888, ch. 313
780. Before any policeman, regular or special, shall act as such, he
shall take and subscribe before the burgess the following oath : "I do swear
or affirm that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties of
policeman within the police limits of the corporation of Smithsburg, with-
out fear, favor or partiality." The policeman so appointed for the enforce-
ment of ordinances of the town and the preservation of its peace and good
order, shall have all the powers of constables; and any person resisting a
policeman in the discharge of his duty shall be liable, upon conviction,
to punishment in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had
resisted a constable of Washington county; and any policeman so ap-
pointed who shall be guilty of official misconduct, shall be proceeded
against by presentment and indictment in the circuit court for Washing-
ton county, and if found guilty, shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in
the discretion of the court.
P. L. L.r 1888, Art. 22, sec. 379. 1888, ch. 313.
781. Every officer of the town, except the burgess, judge and clerk of
election and policeman, before entering upon the duties of his office to