4738 ARTICLE 22.
sixty feet; thence leaving the creek and running south forty-six degrees
and fifteen minutes east a distance of three hundred and fifty feet to the
north margin of the road leading from Funkstown to Chewsville; thence
with the present boundary south sixteen degrees east a distance of one
thousand and seventy-one feet to the north side of the Beaver Creek Road;
thence along the north side thereof south sixty-eight degrees east a dis-
tance of two hundred feet; thence south eight degrees and thirty minutes
west a distance of three hundred and eighty-seven feet; thence north sev-
enty-four degrees west a distance of two hundred and thirty-five feet;
thence south nine degrees west a distance of one thousand one hundred
and fifty-one feet to the west side of the state highway; thence north eighty-
five degrees and fifteen minutes west a distance of two hundred and
thirty-eight feet to the southeast (left) bank of the Antietam Creek;
thence along the east (left) bank of said creek in a northerly direction a
distance of four hundred feet; thence along the north (left) bank of said
creek in a westerly direction a distance of sixteen hundred feet; thence
still along the north (left) bank of said creek in a northwesterly direction
-a distance of five hundred feet; thence along the east (left) bank thereof
in a northerly direction a distance of nine hundred and thirty feet to a
point on the west (right) bank of the tail race of the Antietam mill; thence
along the west (right) bank of the race in a northeasterly direction a dis-
tance of three hundred and twenty-five feet; thence along the southeast
(left) bank of the creek in a northeasterly direction a distance of seven
hundred feet to the place of beginning.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 246. 1870, ch. 452. 1912, ch. 412. 1929, ch, 215.
197. The legally qualified voters of the State, who shall have resided
within the corporate limits of said town, for a period of twelve (12)
months next preceding the election, shall elect, by ballot, on the first Mon-
day in May, in the year 1929, a burgess, an assistant burgess and five
commissioners for said town, which said officers shall have the same qualifi-
cations as the voters and shall be bona fide owners of real estate situated
within the corporate limits of said town. The burgess and assistant
burgess shall be elected for the period of one (1) year, and their successor
shall be elected on the first Monday in May of each and every year there-
after. Two of said commissioners elected in said year 1929 shall be elected
for the period of one (1) year and their successors shall be elected, on
the first Monday in May of each and every even year thereafter, for the
period of two (2) years. Three of said commissioners elected in said year
of 1929 shall be elected for the period of two (2) years and their succes-
sors shall be elected on the first Monday in May of each and every odd
year thereafter.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 247. 1870, ch. 452.
198. All elections shall be held and conducted as shall from time to
time be directed by the by-laws of the corporation, not contrary to this