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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4693   View pdf image (33K)
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attending the maintenance of the poor, and of all money received by him
for the sale of the produce of their labor, and exhibit said account, under
an affidavit, administered by one of said trustees, that it is just and true,
to the trustees, when required.

P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 22. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 22.

22. He may compel any of the inmates of said almshouse to work, if
of sufficient ability to do so.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 23. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 23.

23. Any one trustee may, under his hand in writing, direct the ad-
mission of any poor person into the said almshouse.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 24. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 24.

24. If any person shall sell or dispose of any strong liquor or other
thing to, or purchase anything from, any inmate of said almshouse, he
shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty dollars.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 25. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 25.

25. All sheriffs, constables and other officers shall aid the trustees of
the almshouse, and the officers appointed by them, in the discharge of their
respective duties.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22., sec. 26. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 26.

26. If any person shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for anything
done in pursuance of this sub-title of this article, or of anything herein
contained, he may plead the general issue and give the special matter in
evidence; and if upon trial, verdict shall be found for the defendant, or
if the plaintiff shall be non-suited or discontinue, the defendant shall re-
cover treble costs, and if the plaintiff shall be unable to pay them, they
shall be paid by the attorney who brought or prosecuted the suit, unless
the plaintiff shall give security for the costs, to be approved by the court.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 21. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 27.

27. All penalties and forfeitures imposed by this sub-title of this
article shall be recoverable by the said trustees, before any justice of the
peace, and applied to the use of the poor of said county, as they shall direct.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 28. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 28. 1927, ch. 630.

28. The trustees may annually retain, out of the money levied for
their use, the sum of one hundred dollars each, as compensation for their


1906, ch. 745, sec. 1. 1920, ch. 136, sec. 1.

29. The County Commissioners of Washington County shall on or
before the first day of June, 1920, and annually thereafter on or before


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4693   View pdf image (33K)
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