4640 ARTICLE 21.
through the buildings, gardens, yards or burial grounds of any person with-
out the consent of the owner in writing.*
1914, ch. 622, sec. 171K.
418. The owner or occupant of land abutting on any public road in
Talbot County shall during the month of August, of each year, cut and
remove all brush, briers and weeds growing in or upon such portion of
such public roads as his or her lands abut, and in case such owner or
occupant shall fail to perform the duty imposed hereby, the Board of
County Commissioners shall cause such work to be done and the owner
of such lands shall pay the expense thereof with cost to be recovered in an
action upon contract before any Justice of the Peace of Talbot County,
at the suit of the said Board of County Commissioners of said County.
1914, ch. 622, sec. 171L.
419. It shall be unlawful for any person to plow or cultivate across
the ditches of any public road in Talbot County, so as to fill them in whole
or in part or to break up the roadbed or any part thereof in any manner
whatever. Any person violating this Section shall be fined the sum of
five dollars for each and every offense and in addition thereto the County
Commissioners shall cause such damage to be repaired and the owner
of such lands shall pay the expense thereof with cost to be recovered in
an action upon contract before any Justice of the Peace of Talbot County,
at the suit of said Board of County Commissioners of said County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 172. 1886, ch. 224.
420. It shall not be lawful to obstruct the public roads of Talbot
County, by filling up the side ditches of said roads with logs, wood, rails,
brush or any other materials, nor shall any person throw the trimmings of
hedges, fence corners or brush from fallen trees, upon said roads or in
said ditches, or make the said roads a place of deposit for cord-wood, logs
or anything that does not belong to said road; and any person violating
the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction of the same before any justice of the peace for Talbot
County, he shall be fined a sum of not less than two nor more than ten dol-
lars for each and every offence; which fine shall be collected as other fines
and forfeitures are now collected, and when so collected shall be paid over
to the county commissioners, by the officer collecting the same, within
thirty days thereafter.
*Sec. 2, ch. 638, 1912, reads as follows: All laws or sections or parts of all laws
conflicting or inconsistent with any provision or provisions of this act be and the
same are hereby repealed so far as the same or any of the same conflict with or
are inconsistent with any provision of this act, saving and excepting Chapter 141 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland passed at the January Session, 1908,
and the amendments thereto, and Chapter 225 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland, passed at the January Session, 1904, and the amendments thereto,
which said two last-mentioned acts and amendments thereto shall in no manner
be repealed or amended by the passage of this act.