4584 ARTICLE 21.
control, maintenance and improvement of the said Community Park and
other lands mentioned herein and in the control and expenditure of monies
to be provided by the levy of taxes by the Mayor and Council of Easton,
for maintenance and improvement of said Community Park, as directed
in a preceding section of this Act and of any other monies to be expended
for maintenance or improvement of, or for any other purpose in connec-
tion with, said Community Park, or other lands mentioned herein.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 21, sec. 98. 1860, Art. 20, sec. 82.
250. Talbot county is divided into five election districts, according to
their present names, bounds and limits, and elections shall be held in each
district at the place hereinbefore established by law for that purpose.
1892, ch. 572.
251. The lines between election district. No. 3, known as Trappe dis-
trict and election district No. 1, known as Easton district, as now laid
down, be changed, and the line which shall hereafter divide said districts
shall be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Trippe's Creek and
running up Trippe's Creek and the north branch thereof, thence with said
north branch of Trippe's Creek to a point at or near the residence of Mrs.
James P. Hambleton, known as Waterloo, from thence, nearly east with
the road leading from said Mrs. Hambleton's residence to a point on the
public road leading from Hambleton to Dover Bridge, at or near Iveytown
colored church, thence with said road until it intersects the present divid-
ing line between Easton and Trappe districts, then following the line as
now laid to the Choptank River.
1914, ch. 630.
252. In addition to the compensation now allowed by law to all Judges,
whether acting as or sitting as officers of registration, and the Clerks of
Election of Talbot County, said Judges or Clerks of Election of Talbot
County shall be paid five cents per mile for going to and returning from the
office of the Supervisors of Election of said County at each session at which
said Judges or Clerks are required to attend.
1920, ch. 147.
253. All judges, whether acting as or sitting as officers of registration,
and all clerks of election in Talbot County, shall be allowed the sum of
one ($1.00) dollar per day for their services as such judge or clerk in
addition to the compensation now allowed to said judges and clerks by the
Election Laws of Maryland. The aforesaid compensation shall be paid
by the County Commissioners of Talbot County as other election ex-
penses are required to be paid.