4496 ARTICLE 20.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 20, sec. 250. 1860, Art. 19, sec. 206.
405. Each witness summoned to attend the circuit court for Somerset
county shall be entitled to receive, for each day he shall attend, the sum
of seventy-five cents, and an allowance of four cents per mile. for every
mile his place of residence shall be distant from the place of holding the
court, to be computed for each day's attendance.
Note—These Acts (Secs. 97 and 100 of Art. 20 in 1888 Code) are inserted here, as
indicated in sec. 109, p. 4408, of this Article.
1872, ch. 409.
100A. It shall not be lawful to build or erect any wharf, pier, improvement, or
any structure of any kind in the Little Annamessex river or cove, or extend the
same from either shore beyond or outside the building line, established by the com-
missioners appointed under the act of 1872, chapter 409, and ratified by the circuit
court and recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for Somerset county:
and every person offending against the. provisions of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a public nuisance, and on indictment and conviction in the circuit court,
shall be fined a sum equal to the cost of removing said nuisance, and shall be con-
fined in the county jail till the said fine and costs shall be paid; and to enable the
court to determine the amount of the said fine, they shall, at the time of trial, hear
evidence of the probable cost of removing such nuisance; and if any person shall
unload, discharge or throw overboard, any ballast, shells, stones, earth or other
matter, into the said harbor, or shall fill up or obstruct the navigation of the same,
he shall also be guilty of a public nuisance, and shall, on indictment and conviction
as aforesaid, be punished by fine, at the discretion of the court, and be committed
as aforesaid till the said fine and costs are paid.
1876, ch. 8.
100B. The harbor line of Crisfield on the north side of the said town is extended
us follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the premises occupied by Geo. W.
Long & Co.; thence north thirty degrees and thirty minutes, west sixty feet; thence
north fifty-nine degrees, thirty minutes, east two hundred feet; thence north, eight
degrees, fifteen minutes, east to the extent of the said harbor, for the purpose of
obtaining deeper water, so as to admit the building of oyster houses along the same.