veys he may deem necessary for such purpose; provided that such outlet
or water course shall not be opened so as to pass through the buildings,
garden, yards, or burial yard of any person without the consent of the
owner in writing.
1916, oh. 260, sec. 237.
380. Any person or corporation placing any obstructions of any kind
whatsoever upon the public highways or bridges, roads, lanes, streets, ave-
nues or alleys of Somerset County, or interfering with or obstructing any
of the ditches or drains thereof, or encroaching upon the same with the
fences or other obstructions, or any person or corporation, its agents or
employees, exercising the business of a common carrier, permitting his or
its vehicle or steam or other engines or cars to obstruct any crossing for
more than five minutes for any one time shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and shall be liable to prosecution at the instance of the County Road
Superintendent of Somerset County, or at the instance of any tax payer
of said county, and upon conviction by any Justice of the Peace exercising
criminal jurisdiction in Somerset County, shall be fined in an amount not
less than one dollar and no more than twenty-five dollars for each offence.
Any person arrested under this section shall have the right to appeal to
the Circuit Court for said Somerset County for trial, and all fines collected
under this section shall be paid to the said County Commissioners and
by them applied to the general road fund of the county.
1S96, ch. 43.
381. It shall be unlawful for anyone to wilfully fire a gun, pistol or
other fire arm, powder cracker or any explosive instrument upon any road
or public highway in Somerset county; and any one violating this act,
shall, upon conviction before any justice of the peace for said county, be
fined a sum of ten dollars in each offense, and stand committed to the
county jail until said fine and costs are paid.
1906, ch. 36, sec. 1.
382. The sheriff of Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester coun-
ties, or his jailor, upon the demand of the bailiff of any incorporated town
in said counties, or of any supervisor of any public road of said counties,
or other person duly authorized to superintend the repairing of the public
streets of said town, or the public roads of said counties, is hereby author-
ized and required to deliver to such person or official, any male prisoner
over sixteen years of age, who may be confined in said jail, under sentence
imposed by the Circuit Courts or any Justice of the Peace of said counties
in any case of assault, drunkenness, disorderly conduct, disturbing the
public peace, vagrancy, petty larceny, carrying concealed weapons, gaming
or playing at crap, in order that said bailiff or supervisor or other official