ventions; to regulate and license all nine or ten pin alleys, bowling alleys,
skating rinks, pool and billiard tables, theatres, moving picture shows,
boxing and sparring contests, and all shows and exhibitions of every kind;
to provide for the restraining of theatrical or other public amusements of
an immoral or indecent nature in said town; to regulate the construction
and maintenance of exits from places of amusement and all public build-
ings ; to prevent gambling and games of chance; to regulate the use of
sidewalks and all structures in, under or over same; to require the owner
or occupant of premises to keep the sidewalks in front of same and the
gutters thereof free from snow and other obstructions, and to prescribe the
hours for cleaning same; to regulate and prevent the throwing of sweep-
ing's, dust ashes, offal, garbage, paper, handbills, dirty liquids or other
material into any street, alley or public place, or on any vacant lot in said
town; to regulate or suppress slaughter houses and smoke houses in said
town; and regulate canning houses within the corporate limits, and to en-
force the provisions of all such ordinances by appropriate penalties; to
regulate, restrain or prohibit the running at large of horses, bulls, cows,
sheep, goats, ducks, geese and chickens on any of the streets, lanes, alleys
or highways of said town, and to further forbid or regulate the keeping of
swine in said town; to regulate and prevent the use of the streets, side-
walks and public places for signs, sign-posts, awning posts, horse troughs,
steps, railings, entrances, racks, posting handbills and advertisements and
display of goods, wares and merchandise; to construct at public expense,
or to grant franchises, regulate the putting of sewers or drains on or under
its streets, alleys or highways, and the charge for entering same; to grant
and regulate franchises to electric light companies, power companies, gas
companies, telephone companies, telegraph companies, street railway com-
panies, water companies, sewer or drain companies, and any other which
they deem advantageous and beneficial to said town or the inhabitants
thereof; all such franchises shall be for a definite term of years not ex-
ceeding twenty-five years, and be renewable at the discretion of the Presi-
dent and Commissioners, and shall specially set out the nature, right and
duration of same, and no power or right, not expressed in the franchises
or grant shall pass thereunder; to regulate the keeping of dogs in said
town and to provide for taxes thereon, and to provide for the collection of
same as other city taxes are collected, and to provide that any person or
persons owning a dog or dogs, and refusing or neglecting to pay such tax
within twenty days after notice thereof shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and on conviction thereof before a justice of the peace shall be
fined not less than one or more than ten dollars and be committed to jail
until fine and costs are paid; to provide for killing of dogs on which no
taxes are paid; to provide for the protection of all public property, ceme-
teries, and property of all public service companies and corporations, and
for any franchise, easement or privilege granted the President and Com-
missioners may charge for such franchises, easements or privileges when
granted; to punish and suppress tramps and vagrants by imposing fines
or both fines and imprisonment, or by hard labor on the streets of the