4370 ARTICLE 20.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 4.
3. They shall require the said overseer'to give bond with security ap-
proved by them, and payable to them, in the penalty of five hundred
. dollars, for the faithful performance of the duties of his office.
1904, ch. 23, sec. B.
4. They shall allow said overseer a sum not to exceed three hundred
dollars per annum, and so pro rata during his continuance in office, as a.
compensation for his services.
1904. ch. 23, sec. 6.
5. They shall remove said overseer at their pleasure and appoint an-
other in his place.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 7.
6. The said overseer shall keep a regular list of all poor vagrants,
vagabonds and other offenders committed to said Almshouse, and all
insane persons committed to said insane annex, and shall lay the same
before said Commissioners when required.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 8.
7. He shall keep and on the first Monday in April in each year shall
return to said Commissioners, under oath, administered by one. of said
Commissioners, a regular account in writing of all the stock, farming uten-
sils and other things that may come to his hands, with a statement of the
crops or other articles made on the lands belonging to said Almshouse,
and an account of all the expenses attending the maintenance and support
of the inmates thereof and of the insane annex, and of all moneys received
by him for the sales of produce of their labor or otherwSse.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 9.
8. He may compel any of the inmates of said Almshouse and insane
annex, if of sufficient ability, to work, and may sell and account, as afore-
said, for the produce of their labor.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 10.
9. The said County Commissioners shall dispose of the products aris-
ing from the cultivation of the lands belonging to said Almshouse over
and above what may be necessary for the maintenance of the inmates there-
of, and the amount of money arising from such sales shall be used in
defraying the other expenses incident to the running of said Almshouse
and insane annex. In case the products of said farm shall be insufficient
for the expenses of the inmates of said Almshouse and insane annex, the
said County Commissioners shall annually levy such sum, in addition
thereto, as shall be necessary.
1904, ch. 23, sec. 11.
10. No County Commissioner shall be directly or indirectly concerned
in furnishing any article for the use of the Almshouse, under the penalty