provisions of the code of public general laws regulating sales under execu-
tion from justices of the peace.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 109. 1888, ch. 136, sec. 3.
210. After the expenses attending such sale, and the amount of the
lien upon said progeny have been satisfied, the balance, if any, shall be
paid to the owner of such property sold.
P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 110. 1878, ch. 289. 1892, ch. 579.
211. The county commissioners may in their discretion allow the
State's Attorney for St. Mary's County, additional compensation; but no
additional compensation shall be allowed when the total appearance fees
allowed by law to said State's Attorney amount to or exceed in any one
year, the sum of eight hundred dollars, this subtitle of this article shall
not however be so construed as to include the fees and commissions of the
State's Attorney allowed and paid by the State of Maryland.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 111. 1878, ch. 289.
212. The State's Attorney shall not receive any fee in cases of recog-
nizance, except when the same are traversed; nor shall he receive any fee
or compensation in any case, unless he was present personally, or repre-
sented by other counsel acting in the trial of such case.
1894, ch. 357, sec. 1.
213. Eor the encouragement of the growth and development of manu-
factories and manufacturing industries in St. Mary's county, upon the ap-
plication, as hereinafter provided, of any individual, firm or corporation
actually engaged in the business of manufacturing in said county, the
County Commissioners of said county are hereby authorized and directed
to abate all taxes for a period of ten years, beginning from the day that
said manufacturing establishment is first opened for manufacturing pur-
poses, which may hereafter be levied for county or school purposes by
authority of said County Commissioners, upon any mechanical tools or
implements, whether worked by hand or steam or other motive power,
or upon machinery, manufacturing apparatus or engines owned by such
industrial firm or corporation, and actually employed and used in the
business of manufacturing in said county, and which would be properlv
subject to valuation and taxation therein; such abatement of taxes for said
period of ten years, shall be extended to all persons, firms or corporations
engaged in the branch or branches of manufacturing industry proposed
to be benefited by the provisions of this section; and provided further
that application for such abatement for said period of ten years, as afore-
said, shall be made and verified to the satisfaction of said County Com-
missioners by the affidavit of the party applying for the same, or other