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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4350   View pdf image (33K)
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4350 ARTICLE 19.

state specifically the nature and character of the charges preferred, of
which due and reasonable notice shall be given the County Road Engineer.
The County Commissioners shall set a day for considering such charges
or complaints, of which the County Road Engineer shall have at least ten
days' notice in writing; and if the County Commissioners after hearing
such charges in open session, at which the County Road Engineer and the
parties making complaint shall be entitled to be represented by counsel
and to produce any competent testimony, find that the County Road
Engineer is incompetent or has been guilty of wilful neglect of duty, they
shall immediately remove him from office.

1920, ch. 358, sec. 8.

183. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of St. Mary's
County, whenever the office of County Road Engineer shall become vacant
by death, resignation or removal from office, to appoint, within sixty
days from the date of such vacancy, some person to fill the same, in the
manner and with the same qualifications as prescribed in Section 181
of this Article.

1920, ch. 358, sec. 9. 1922, ch. 280, sec. 9.

184. The County Road Engineer shall reside in St. Mary's County
during the term of his office. He shall appear before the County Com-
missioners as often as requested by the County Commissioners, and make
a statement to them of the work done. He shall also prepare and sub-
mit, immediately after each sale of County Road bonds on the fifteenth
day of April, in the year 1922, a building and repair estimate or program
for roads for the following current year as required by Section 186.
He shall personally supervise the draining of roads and establish by use
of instruments used by civil engineers the proper placement of culverts
and drains. The County Road Engineer shall not be interested in any
firm or corporation from which anything shall be purchased for the use
of said public roads, bridges or drains, nor receive any commission on
said purchases.

See sec. 179.

1920, ch. 358, sec, 10.

185. The County Commissioners of St. Mary's County shall have the
power by ordinance or resolution of condemning, laying out, opening, ex-
tending and making new roads and for altering, straightening, widening,
grading, improving, or closing up in whole or in part any existing road,
and for removing trees, posts and other obstructions, and for building or
laying out public bridges or drains, when in their opinion the public
necessity or convenience requires the same, without any previous appli-
cation or petition. The County Commissioners may contract with the
owner or owners of the land for the purpose of laying out, opening, extend-
ing and making new roads, bridges or drains, or for altering, straightening,
widening, grading, improving or for closing up in whole or in part any
existing public road, bridge or drain, or for the right of way over the


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4350   View pdf image (33K)
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