said justice shall require for his appearance; and any person feeling him-
self aggrieved by any conviction or judgment of said justice, shall have
the right to appeal to the circuit court for St. Mary's County, which shall
hear and determine the same as other cases on appeal.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 91. 1886, ch. 300.
152. It shall not be lawful for any person not a citizen of St. Mary's
County to take or catch oysters with tongs or any other instrument in any
of the tributaries of the Potomac River adjacent to the shores of St.
Mary's County, without a license; and every applicant for such license
to use any canoe or other boat in catching oysters with rakes or tongs,
shall be required to make oath or affirmation before the clerk of the
circuit court, or before some justice of the peace for St. Mary's County,
upon whose certificate of the taking of such oath or affirmation, the said
clerk of the court shall issue such license, stating that the applicant for
the license has been a resident and citizen of St. Mary's County for the
twelve months next preceding said application; that he will not violate
any of the provisions of this subtitle of this article; that he will arrest
and seize, or assist in arresting and seizing, all persons and boats, vessels
and equipments engaged in violating the provisions of sections 148-155 of
this subtitle of this article, so far as it may be in his power so to do; and
that he is the bona fide owner of the boat or canoe to be used, the length
of which, said applicant must state; any person found guilty of violating
any of the provisions of this section shall be fined in a sum not less than
twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 92. 1886, ch. 300.
153. Every applicant for a tongers' license under the provisions of
this subtitle of this article shall pay to the clerk of the circuit court for
St. Mary's County for the same, the following fees, to wit: for a boat or
canoe measuring in length twenty feet or less, the sum of two dollars and
fifty cents; for a boat or canoe twenty feet long and not over thirty feet,
the sum of four dollars; and for any boat or canoe over thirty feet in
length, the sum of five dollars; the fees received by the clerk of said court
for licenses for tonging shall be paid by him to the school commissioners
of said county, excepting the sum of sixty cents, which he shall retain out
of the cost of each license as his fee for issuing the same; provided, how-
ever, that the sum received from the issuing of licenses to colored tongers
shall be applied for the benefit of the colored schools of said county; no
license to tongers under this subtitle of this article shall be construed to
permit the taking or catching of oysters on Sunday or at night, or between
the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of August in each and
every year, and all oysters taken shall be culled upon the natural beds
where they are taken; any person violating the provisions of this section,
upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the fines and penalties pre-
scribed in the preceding section.