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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4332   View pdf image (33K)
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4332 ARTICLE 19.

Acts of the Maryland Legislature of 1914, nor as restricting any control
which the State Board of Health of Maryland is empowered to exercise
within the corporate limits of the town of Leonardtown.*


1914, ch. 325, sec. 3.

125. No person shall hereafter sell, offer or keep for sale in St. Mary's:
County, Maryland, in spirituous or fermented liquors of any kind what-
soever, without having previously obtained a license therefor as herein-
after provided, but this Act shall not apply to a sale or sales made by any
person under provisions of law requiring him to sell personal property or
to a sale of cider or native wines by the maker thereof. All licenses to-
sell spirituous liquors shall expire on the first day of May next ensuing
the date of their issue, and shall be issued for twelve months or any lesser
number of months, but for no fractional part of a month. No license shall
be issued to any person or persons to sell spirituous or fermented liquors
in St. Mary's County aforesaid until he or they shall have filed an applica-
tion on or before the first day of the month preceding the month when said
license is to begin with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county for
such license. No license under this Act shall be issued for a longer period,
than one year, and all licenses shall expire on the first day of May in each
year and if issued for a shorter period than one year the licensee shall pay
pro rata for the number of mouths preceding said first day of May pro-
portioned to the license fee hereinafter provided for a whole year. Any
licensee under this Act shall be permitted to sell in any quantities from
one drink to four and three-quarter gallons.

1914, ch. 325, sec. 4.

126. Upon the issuing of such licenses by the Clerk of the Court the
applicant shall pay for the year 1914 to the Clerk the sum of one hundred
and fifty ($150) dollars, and for each subsequent year the sum of two
hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars, from which sums the said clerk
shall pay twenty-five dollars, annually, into the Treasury of Maryland,
and one-half of the remainder to the School Commissioners for the use of
the schools in said county, and the remaining one-half to the County Com-
missioners of said county to be used upon the public roads, provided, how-
ever, that in the event that St. Mary's County hereafter shall issue any
bonds for public improvements or for the purpose of paying off any float-
ing debt, that then, and in that event, the money arising from liquor li-
censes shall be used by the County Commissioners to pay the interest on
such bonds, and should there be an excess over and above the interest
thereon the balance is to be used as a sinking fund to pay such bonds at

*The other sections of ch. 601, 1924, related to the issuing of the bonds, etc. The
Act was approved by the voters of the town.

+Secs. 125-127 have been superseded by secs. 131-139.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4332   View pdf image (33K)
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