4330 ARTICLE 19.
make such charge as they shall determine to be reasonable, which charge
shall be uniform throughout the town of Leonardtown, subject, however,
to revision annually by the Commissioners of Leonardtown. Said charge
shall be paid by all property owners to the Commissioners of Leonardtown
before the actual connection with any pipe on private property is made.
The revenue, above actual cost, derived from such charges, shall be first
used by the Commissioners of Leonardtown for repairs, replacements, or
any extraordinary expense in the maintenance and operation of the water
supply system if any such repairs, replacements or extraordinary expense
are necessary and then to the payment of the interest and principal of.
the bonded indebtedness, when it becomes due. Any balance remaining
shall be applied by the Commissioners of Leonardtown to the payment of
the bonded debt as hereinafter provided.
1924, ch. 601, sec. 8.
120. For the purpose of providing funds for maintaining, repairing,
and operating their water supply system, including overhead expenses and
property depreciation allowance, said the Commissioners of Leonardtown
shall be empowered and directed to make such service rates as it may be
necessary chargeable against all properties having a connection with any
water main under their ownership. Said rates shall be uniform through-
out the town of Leonardtown, but subject to change from time to time, as;
necessary. The rates for service shall consist of a minimum or ready to
serve charge which shall be based upon the size of the meter on the water
connection leading to the property, and of a charge for water used, which
shall be based upon the amount of water passing the meter during the
period between the last two readings, said meter being required to be
placed on each water connection by, and at the sole expense of the Com-
missioners of Leonardtown. Bills for the amount of the charges as above
specified shall be sent quarterly or semi-annually, as the Commissioners
of Leonardtown may determine, to each property served, and shall there-
upon be payable to the Commissioners of Leonardtown; and if any bill
shall remain unpaid after thirty days from the date of sending, the Com-
missioners of Leonardtown shall, after written notice, to be left upon the-
premises or mailed to the last known address of the owner, turn off the
water from the property in question and it shall not be turned on again
until said bills shall have been paid. If any bill shall remain unpaid
for sixty days after being sent out by the Commissioners of Leonardtown,
it shall be collectible against the owner of the property served, in the
same manner as other debts are collectible in the town of Leonardtown.
1924, ch. 601, sec. 9.
121. The Commissioners of Leonardtown may enter upon any State,
county or municipal street, road or alley or any public highway, for the
purpose of installing, maintaining and operating the water supply system
provided for under this Act, and it may construct in such street, road or
alley or public highway, a water main, or any appurtenance thereof, with-
out the receipt of a permit or the payment of a charge, except that if it;