1929, ch. 296.
78. It shall be unlawful in Saint Mary's County for any person in
any manner to trap any fox or to set any trap to catch any fox. Any per-
son violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25).
1922, oh. 124.
79. It shall be unlawful in Saint Mary's County for any person to
shoot any fox while it is being pursued by hounds, or to shoot or molest any
hound while chasing a fox. Any person violating the provisions of this
Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined
not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and
every offense.
1922, ch. 496, sec. 1.
80. An Immigration Commission for the counties of Charles, Prince
George's, St. Mary's and Calvert, in Southern Maryland, is hereby created
and constituted, to be composed of the President of the University of
Maryland, and Joseph A. Wilmer, of Charles County; William S. Chi-
chester, of Prince George's County; Trueman Slingluff, of St. Mary's
County, and Thomas Parran, of Calvert County, who- are hereby desig-
nated as members of said Commission for the term beginning on the first
day of June, in the year 1922, and ending on the first day of October,
in the year 1924, or until their successors are appointed and qualified,
as hereinafter provided.
In case of any vacancy occurring in the membership of said Commission,
such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment, by the Governor of Mary-
land, of some suitable person from the same county and for the unexpired
term of such member, to the end that each of the counties aforesaid shall,
at all times, be represented upon said Board. And upon the expiration of
the terms of all members of said Commission, and bi-ennially thereafter,
the Governor of Maryland shall appoint members thereof, having due re-
gard for the county representation hereinbefore provided.
1922, oh. 496, sec. 2.
81. The members constituting the Commission hereby created shall,
before the 15th day of June, 1922, meet at some convenient place in one of
the counties aforesaid, the time and place of said meeting to be designated
by the President of the University of Maryland, and organize by the elec-
tion of one of its members as Chairman of said Commission. Said Com-
mission shall thereafter elect a Secretary and Treasurer thereof, who may
or who may not be a member of said Commission. It shall have full power
to fix the salary of said Secretary and Treasurer, who shall give bond for
the faithful performance of his duties as such, in the penalty of ten thou-
sand ($10,000) dollars, to be approved by, and deposited with, said Com-