1892, ch. 665, sec. 1.
390. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County are hereby
authorized and directed to furnish the sheriff, deputy sheriff and con-
stables of said county with official badges to be worn upon the person of
said sheriff, deputy sheriff and constables of said county whenever in the
discharge of their official duties so as to be displayed when necessary to
show their official authority, and said official badges to cost a sum not
exceeding three dollars each.
1892, ch. 665, sec. 2.
391. The sheriff, deputy sheriff and constables of said county be and
they are hereby required to wear said official badges on their person in a
position easily of display, at all times when in the discharge of their
official duties, and upon the expiration of their respective term of office
said badges shall be returned in good condition to said county commis-
sioners of said county, and any failure upon the part of the officers cited
to comply with the provisions of this act shall subject them to a fine not
exceeding the sum of ten dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 232. 1888, ch. 78.
392. The branch of Chester river, now known as "South East Creek,"
extending from said Chester river to Church Hill, in Queen Anne's coun-
ty, and upon which Beus Point wharf and South East wharf are located,
together with its tributaries, shall hereafter be known as "South East
1902, ch. 224.
393. The State's Attorney for Queen Anne's county, from and after
the first day of January, nineteen hundred and two, shall receive an annual
salary of one thousand dollars for the performance from and after said
date of the official duties of the said office, which are now or may hereafter
be required by law, said salary to be in lieu of all fees, appearance and
trial, and other compensation for same, and to be payable semi-annually,
in equal instalments, by the county treasurer on the warrant of the County
Commissioners of said county; and said duties shall also include his serv-
ices before the justices of the peace of said county in criminal cases in
preliminary hearings or trials when, in the public interest, he attends on
his own motion or at the request of any of said justices; provided, how-
ever, that his actual expenses incurred in following and trying criminal
cases removed from said county shall be paid in addition to said salary;
and that all general or local laws inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act be and the same are hereby repealed.