4176 ARTICLE 18.
dition; and if said person shall fail or refuse for ten days after the service
of such notification to obey the same, they shall impose a fine upon such
person so offending of not less than one dollar and not more than five
dollars, in their discretion; and in like manner an additional fine for
every successive ten days' failure or refusal to obey said notification, until
said grounds and premises are put in a cleanly and sanitary condition,
unless said person occupying or having charge of said grounds or prem-
ises shall, in the judgment of said commissioners, be unable, from the
Want of adequate means, to obey said notification, in which event the com-
missioners shall direct the bailiff to put the same in a cleanly and sani-
tary condition at the expense of the town; and the said commissioners
may pass all laws and ordinances necessary for grading, regulating, pav-
ing and repairing the footways in the streets, lanes and alleys of the town,
and may impose a tax upon any lot fronting on any paved street, lane
or alley for the purpose of grading, regulating, paving or repairing the
footways in front thereof, or compel, by fine or otherwise, the owner or
proprietor of any lot to pave or repair the footways in front thereof, agree-
ably to the ordinances to be passed by them; and they may prohibit the
running or riding of any horses, or driving of carts, wagons or carriages
unreasonably fast in said town; may regulate and provide for the sweep-
ing of chimneys, prohibit the firing of guns or pistols, throwing of lighted
squibs, fire-crackers, Roman candles or any other combustible matter, and
the storage of gunpowder or any combustible matter within the limits of
said town, and make all necessary regulations relative to wells and pumps
1929, ch. 13, sec. 49A.
54. The Town Commissioners of Centreville, a municipal corporation,
are hereby authorized and empowered by ordinance to regulate the show-
ing of circuses, street shows and any other kind of performances within
the corporate limits of the town of Centreville and to charge a fee for
each and every performance and to issue a license for said performance
upon the payment of said fee.
1929, ch. 13, sec. 49B.
55. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding section and
found guilty of so doing upon trial before any Justice of the Peace in
the town of Centreville shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor
more than one hundred dollars for each and every violation and shall be
committed to the County Jail in default of the payment of said fine and
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 50. 1868, ch. 53.
56. No person shall keep a dog or bitch in the town without first
obtaining a license from the clerk of the commissioners for that purpose
in the month of April of each and every year, and paying at the time the
license shall be granted, for every dog one dollar, and for every bitch
two dollars; and the owner of every dog or bitch for which a license shall