4140 ARTICLE 17.
1918, ch. 122, sec. 21.
1035. Every act or omission designated as a misdemeanor in this Act
unless otherwise provided, shall be punishable before any justice of the
peace or the Circuit Court of the County within which such offense is
committed and shall be brought by warrant or indictment upon the oath,
or information of any member of said Commission or any employee there-
of, and the offender shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceed-
ing $100 or thirty days in the County jail, or both, in the discretion of
the court. Where such act or omission is of a continuing nature and is
persisted in, in violation of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or
regulation formulated thereunder, a conviction for one offense shall not
be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of such offense subsequent to
the first or any succeeding conviction.
1918, ch. 122, sec. 22
1036. The Public Service Commission of Maryland is hereby given
jurisdiction to determine upon appeal, the reasonableness of all assess-
ments, tax levies or service charges, as in the case of public service cor-
porations, upon the written complaint of any one financially interested!
therein, under such regulations as said Public Service Commission may
from time to time order and provide. All appeals shall be taken within
thirty days from the date of the promulgation or levy of any such assess-
ment, tax levy or service charge by said Sanitary Commission.
1918, ch. 122, sec. 23.
1037. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of their incon-
sistency, provided that nothing herein contained shall be taken as re-
stricting any control which the State Board of Health of Maryland is
empowered to exercise within the Sanitary District.
1924, ch. 252, sec. 1.
1038. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use
handle, tamper with, obstruct, interfere with, deface or destroy any of
the property of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, includ-
ing pipes, fittings, fire-plugs, pumps, engines, appliances, wires or other
fixtures or equipment owned or used by the said Commission in the con-
struction and operation of its systems within the Washington Suburban
Sanitary District except under such rules and regulations as the said
Commission may adopt.
1924, ch. 252, sec. 2.
1039. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within
the Sanitary District created by Chapter 122 of the Acts of 1918, or upon
any watershed from which the said Commission gets its water supply,
whether within or without said District, to leave unburied for a longer
period than twenty-four hours any dead animal or animals or fecal mat-