mission shall bear a penalty of one per centum per month for which the
Treasurer withholding the same shall be personally liable.
Upon the expiration of the terms of the present Treasurers of the re-
spective counties, the County Commissioners of said Counties are hereby
directed to require the bonds of said Treasurers to be conditioned upon
the payment to said Commission of the amount collected for it, in addition
to the present requirements of said bonds.
The said Commission shall pay to the Treasurers of the respective
Counties such an amount as the Treasurers and said Commission may
agree upon as a reasonable charge for clerk hire for the added burdens
put upon their offices by the duties herein prescribed, and in the event of
a failure to agree the said Treasurer or Treasurers and said Commission
shall refer the matter to the County Commissioners of the County where
the disagreement arises and the said County Commissioners shall deter-
mine what, in their judgment, is a reasonable compensation annually for
said Treasurer. The amount agreed upon or determined shall be paid to
the respective Treasurers monthly by said Commission.
1918, ch 122, sec. 9 1927, oh. 506, sec. 9.
999. Said Commission shall provide for each and every property abut-
ting upon a street or right of way in which, under this Act, a water main
or sanitary sewer is laid, a water service pipe or sewer connection which
shall be extended, as required, from the water main or sewer to the prop-
erty line of the abutting lot, said service pipe or connection to be con-
structed by, and at the sole expense of, said Commission. When any water
main or sewer is declared by said Commission complete and ready for the
delivery of water or the reception of sewage, every abutting property
owner, after due notice, shall make connection of all spigots or hydrants,
toilets and waste drains with said water main or sewer within a time
prescribed by said Commission. Where the aforesaid fixtures do not exist,
or are of a nature which, in the judgment of the Commission, is improper
or inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed- All cesspools,
sink drains, and privies shall be abandoned and left in such a way that
they cannot again be used nor injuriously affect the public health, said
disposition to be determined by the Commission; and all wells that are
found by the Commission to be polluted or a menace to health shall like-
wise be abandoned and closed.
Whenever there exists, at any time after construction or acquisition
of any water main or sewer, on any property abutting upon said water
main or sewer a condition, due to the refusal of the owner or occupant
of said property to connect his, her or its property to either a water
main or sewer, that appears to be a menace to the health of the occu-
pants of said property or the occupants of adjoining or nearby prop-
erty, the Commission may require a connection to either the water main
or sewer, or both, if, after ten days' notice and an opportunity to be heard
by either the owner or occupant, said Commission determines such condi-
tion to be a menace to health as aforesaid. In the event said Commission