3676 ARTICLE 16
deposit the principal payment on said bonds, by reason of defaults or
otherwise, such deficiency shall be added to and collected in the next year's
tax The said Commission is authorized to pay the interest on any bonds
it may issue prior to the first tax levying period out of the proceeds of the
sale of said bonds In order that the prompt payment of interest and the
proper provision for the payment of the principal of said bonds shall be
assured, the prompt and proper performance of the lespective acts and
duties heretofore defined is specifically enjoined, and any failure upon the
part of any person, persons, body corporate or agent to perform the nec-
essary acts and duties hereafter set forth, to pay over the said funds as
required, or to use said funds or any part thereof for any other purpose
than for the payment of the puncipal and inteiest on said bonds, is hereby
declared a misdemeanor and punishable as other misdemeanors are pun-
jshable by Section 1011 of this subtitle
1918, ch 122 sec 7 1920, ch 518, sec 7
996. Whenever the plans and specifications for water supply, sewerage
or drainage systems for any district shall have been completed and said
Commission shall have decided, after opportunity for a hearing has been
given, to proceed with the construction, it shall advertise, by notice in such
newspapers and technical press as it may deem proper, for bids for the
construction of said system or systems, in parts or as a whole, as in its
judgment may appear advisable The contract shall be let to the lowest
responsible bidder, or the Commission may reject any or all bids, and, if
in its discretion the prices quoted are unreasonable, it may readvertise the
work or any part of it, or may do any part or all of the work by day labor,
provided that at any time the Commission may, in its discietion, expend
by day labor for construction work an amount not exceeding $5,000 with-
out advertising or receiving bids All such contracts may be protected by
such bonds, penalties and conditions as the Commission shall require, all
of which shall be enforceable in any court having jurisdiction
1918 ch 122, sec 8 1920 ch 518 sec 8 1924 ch 1S9 sec 8 1927 ch 506 sec 8
997 The construction or acquisition of said water mams or sewers is
hereby declared to be a benefit to all property abutting upon the same
and said Commission for the purpose of assessing benefits for the con
struction of water supply and sewerage systems, shall divide all proper-
ties binding upon a street, load, lane, alley or right of way, in which a
water pipe or sanitary sewer is to be laid, into four classes, namely, agri-
cultural, small acreage, inclustrial or business, and subdivision property
Immediately upon the commencement or within twelve months after the
completion of a water supply or sewerage project the Commission is em
powered and directed to fix and levy a benefit charge upon all property
abutting upon said water main or sewer, in accordance with the classifica-
tion, and shall in wilting notify all owners of said properties into which
class their lespective properties fall and the charge determined upon,
naming also in said notice a time and place when and at which said owners