362 ARTICLE 2.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 41. 1914 Code, sec. 44.
29. They may appoint, from time to time, at such periods as they
may deem most proper and convenient, certain persons as wardens of the
port of the City of Annapolis, not less than three nor more than five in
number, who shall be removable at their pleasure.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 42. 1914 Code, sec. 45.
30. The persons so appointed shall each take the following oath:
"I, A. B., do swear that I will discharge the trust of Warden of the Port
of the City of Annapolis to the best of my ability, without favor, affec-
tion or partiality."
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 43. 1914 Code, sec. 46.
31. The wardens, or a majority of them, shall have power to deter-
mine upon and regulate all matters relating to the erection or building of
wharves in the said port, so far as respects the distance said wharves may
be extended into the water, and the materials of which they shall be con-
structed, and the manner and form of construction, always keeping in
view the preservation of the navigation of said port by not permitting
any wharf to be carried out in such manner as to render the navigation
of the same too close and confined, or to be built of such materials or
constructed in such manner as may be deemed not sufficiently substantial
and lasting.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 44. 1914 Code, sec. 47
32. No person holding lands on the waters of said port, nor any per-
son whatever, shall build any wharf, or carry out any earth or other mate-
rial for that purpose without license from said wardens, or a majority
of them, to do the same; and if any persons shall offend against the pro-
visions of this section, or if any person shall build any wharf a greater
distance into the waters of said port, or in a different form, or of different
materials than determined and allowed by the wardens, or a majority
of them, he shall be subject to such fine as the Mayor, Counselor and
Aldermen may ordain.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 45. 1914 Code, sec. 48.
33. In all differences that shall arise between any citizen of Annap-
olis and the said wardens touching the discharge of their duty, an appeal
shall lie to the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen.
1890, ch. 568, sec. 184A. 1914 Code, sec. 49.
34. No person, after the first day of May, eighteen hundred and nine-
ty, shall sell, offer for sale or keep for sale in the City of Annapolis, any
intoxicating liquors except as hereinafter provided, but this shall not
apply to sales made by persons under a provision of law or order or decree
of a court of competent jurisdiction requiring him to sell personal prop-
erty, or to sales of cider by the maker thereof not to be drunk on the