and of the harbor, lots, streets, lanes and alleys therein; to declare and
adjudge as nuisances any encroachments on the streets, lanes and alleys,
and cause the same to be removed at the expense of the person offending;
to lay off and divide the city into election districts, and to define their
bounds and limits, and correct the same from time to time, so as to pre-
serve as accurately as may be an equal number of inhabitants in each
of said districts, and to designate places for taking the vote at all elections
to be held in each of said districts; to prevent the running at large of
dogs, and to impose an annual tax on the owners and keepers thereof in
the city not exceeding five dollars; to restrain or prohibit the running at
large of horses, cows, sheep, goats or other animals; to direct in what
parts of the city building's of wood shall not be erected; and to regulate
the construction of the same; to pass ordinances for preserving order,
securing persons and property from violence, danger or destruction; for
protecting the public and city property, rights and privileges from waste
or encroachment, and generally for promoting and securing the good gov-
ernment of the city.
1924, ch. 392.
25. The Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis
shall have the power from time to time to submit to the qualified voters of
the said City, Ordinances providing for certain designated public im-
provements and for the issuance of Bonds of the said City of Annapolis, to
provide for the funds for such purpose. It shall have the power to call a
special election for the said purpose, and to do all things necessary in con-
nection with said election, including fixing the time said polls shall be
open, designating officials, providing the ballots and all other things neces-
sary or proper for the conduct of said election; in the event of such an Or-
dinance receiving a majority of votes cast at any such special election,
and not otherwise, the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of
Annapolis, shall have the power to provide for and carry out the improve-
ments set out in said Ordinance, expending the approximate sum of money
set out in said Ordinance for the purpose, and issue and sell bonds bearing
interest at such rate and maturing at such times as the Mayor, Counselor
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis may provide, and the said Mayor,
Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis are hereby authorized
and empowered to advertise such bonds for sale, to sell the same and to
issue them under the authority of the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of
the City of Annapolis and to do all other things in connection with such
tonds and the authorization, sale, preparation and delivery of the same
which may be necessary or advisable; Provided, however, that the total
amount of bonds issued under authority of this Act when added to the
bonds outstanding, less the amount of bonds issued in connection with the
water supply system of the City of Annapolis and the amounts held in the
sinking funds for the redemption of bonds of the City of Annapolis other
than such water bonds, shall not exceed five per cent, of the taxable basis
of said City; and bonds may be issued in addition thereto under the pro-
visions of this Act in an amount not exceeding a total of three hundred