1927, ch. 448, sec. 20.
604. Whenever the Commission certifies to the County Commissioners
of Montgomery or of Prince George's Counties any such plan for the
districting or zoning of the portion of the District within each County
according to the uses of buildings and other structures and of premises,
then said County Commissioners of the county affected acting as the legis-
lative body of the portion of the District located in that County and hereby
designated for the purposes of this and subsequent sections of this Act
as District Council, in the interest of the promotion of the health, morals,
safety or welfare of the District, may, within the limits of that portion
of the District within that County regulate and restrict the location of
buildings and other structures and of premises to be used for trade, in-
dustry, residence or other specified uses, and for said purposes divide such
portion of the District into zones of such number, shape and area as may
be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this section. For each
of such zones regulations may be imposed designating the kinds of classes
of trades, industries, residences or other purposes for which buildings
or other structures or premises may be permitted to be erected, altered
or used or subject to special regulations. For the purposes of the powers
granted in this and the three subsequent sections of this Act, not less than
three members of either District Council shall constitute a quorum.
1927, ch. 448, sec. 21.
605. Whenever the Commission certifies to either District Council any
such plan for the districting or zoning of the portion of the District within
either County according to the height of buildings and other structures,
then such District Council, in the interest of the health, morals, safety
or welfare of that portion of the District, may regulate and limit the height
of buildings and other structures thereafter erected or altered and for said
purpose divide the said portion of the District into zones of such number,
shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purpose
of this section. Any such regulation imposing a lower height limitation
than may be provided by state statute or local regulation shall, within the
.zone for which it is imposed, prevail over the said limitation provided by
state statute or local regulation.
1927, ch. 448, sec. 22.
606. Whenever the Commission certifies to either District Council any
such plan for the zoning of its portion of the said District according to
the bulk and location of buildings and other structures (including per-
centage of lot occupancy, set-back building lines, and area of yards, courts
and other open spaces), then such District Council may, in the interest of
the promotion of the health, morals, safety or welfare of that portion of
the District, regulate the bulk and location of buildings and other struc-
tures thereafter erected or altered, the percentage of lot occupancy, set-
back building lines and the area of yards, courts and other open spaces
;and for said purposes may divide the said portion of the District into