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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3488   View pdf image (33K)
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3488 ARTICLE 16.

bonds, taxes, donations, contributions or appropriations as provided for
or referred to in this Act.

1927, ch. 448, sec. 7.

591. For the purpose of carrying out the plan or any part thereof, the
Commission shall have the power to acquire for parks, parkways, forests,
streets, roads, boulevards or other public ways, grounds or spaces, by
means of donations, purchase or condemnation, land or other property
located within the District. All land or other property acquired by the
Commission for these purposes or any of them shall be exempt from state,
county and municipal taxes. The Commission shall have the power to
improve and develop land or other property so acquired by it for said pur-
poses and shall have the control of the maintenance and operation thereof.
No general regulation governing such public ways, grounds or open spaces
within either Montgomery or Prince George's County shall go into effect
unless and until it receive the affirmative vote of at least two members of
the Commission from such County.

1927, ch. 448, sec. 8.

592. For the purpose of paying for lands or other property within the
District acquired or to be acquired by the Commission, whether by con-
demnation or purchase, for parks, parkways, forests, streets, roads, high-
ways, boulevards and other public ways, grounds and spaces, or for the
development or improvement thereof, the Commission is hereby author-
ized and empowered to issue bonds from time to time in such amounts
as it may deem necessary for said purposes; provided, however, that the
total amount of such bonds outstanding at any time shall not exceed such
amount as can be redeemed within twenty (20) years from date of issue
by means of the seven (7c) cent tax provided for in Section 593 of this
subtitle. The Comptroller of the State of Maryland shall at any time or
times, upon the request of the Commission, calculate and certify to the
Commission the amount of such bonds which may be issued within said
limitation; and the certificate of the Comptroller shall be final and bind-
ing authority to the Commission as to such amounts. Said bonds shall be
either registered or coupon bonds in such denomination or denominations
as shall be determined by the Commission and shall bear interest at not
exceeding five per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall ma-
ture in not exceeding twenty years from the date of issue and shall be
forever exempt from State, County and Municipal taxation. They shall
be issued under the hand and seal of said Commission and shall be guar-
anteed as to the payment of principal and interest in the following man-
ner : In the event that the seven cent (7c) tax provided for in Section
593 of this subtitle is levied and collected throughout the District the
said bonds shall be guaranteed as to the payment of principal and interest
by the County Commissioners of both Montgomery and Prince George's
Counties, which guarantee shall be endorsed on each of said bonds in the
following language: "The payment of interest when due and of the prin-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3488   View pdf image (33K)
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