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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3484   View pdf image (33K)
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3484 ARTICLE 16.

the east corner of the said District of Columbia; thence along the north-
eastern boundary of the District of Columbia to the north corner of the
District of Columbia; thence along the northwestern boundary of the
District of Columbia, across the Potomac River to the point of beginning.

1927, ch. 448, sec. 2.

586. For the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act, said
District shall be under the jurisdiction of a Commission of six members,
of whom two shall be residents and taxpayers of that portion of the Dis-
trict within Montgomery County and the other shall be a resident of any
part of Montgomery County and two shall be residents and taxpayers of
that portion of the District within Prince George's County and the other
shall be a resident of any part of Prince George's County. The members
of said Commission shall be a body corporate, by the name of "The Mary-
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission," (hereinafter
for abbreviation referred to in this Act as the Commission or Commis-
sion), with the right to use a common seal, to sue and be sued, to exercise
all power granted to it in this Act and to do any and all other corporate
acts for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. The Chair-
man of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission shall be ex officio
a member of the Commission hereby created, and be charged to the num-
ber allotted to the County of which he shall be a resident, and the remain-
ing five members shall be appointed by the Governor of Maryland sub-
ject to confirmation by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of which the appointee shall be a resident. The first appointments here-
under shall be made on or before May 1, 1927, upon which date the terms
of office shall begin. The term of office of each of said five appointive
members shall be four years; except that the terms of two of the members
first appointed from Montgomery County and of two of the members first
appointed from Prince George's County shall be respectively six years
each. Any vacancy occurring at any time in the personnel of the Com-
mission shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term, and be
subject to confirmation by the Board of Commissioners of the County
in which the vacancy occurs. The Governor shall designate as Chairman
of the Commission one of the appointive Commissioners. The annual
salary of the Chairman shall be three thousand dollars, and of the other
five Commissioners shall be five hundred dollars per annum, payable
monthly, provided however that such salary in the case of the Commis-
sioner who is Chairman of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis-
sion shall be in addition to the salary received by him in the latter ca-
pacity. The Governor shall likewise appoint a General Counsel to the
Commission at an annual salary of twenty-four hundred dollars, payable
monthly, and a Secretary-Treasurer who shall be a bonded official at an
annual salary, of two thousand dollars payable monthly. The Commis-
sion may appoint, discharge at pleasure and fix the compensation of or
may contract for the services of such engineering, planning, administra-
tive, auditing, clerical or other force as, from time to time, in its judg-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3484   View pdf image (33K)
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