Costs shall not be allowed against the Board, unless it shall appear to
the Court' that it acted with gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice
in making the decision arppealed from.
All issues in any proceeding in this section shall have preference over
all other civil actions and proceedings.
1924, ch. 560, sec. 8.
186. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, recon-
structed, altered, repaired, converted, or maintained; or any building,
structure or land is used in violation of this Act, or in violation of any
ordinance or other regulation made under authority conferred hereby, the
City Solicitor, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appro-
priate action or proceedings to prevent any unlawful erection, construc-
tion, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, to
restrain, correct or abate such violation, or to prevent the occupancy of
such building, structure or land, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct,
business or use in or about such premises.
1924, ch. 560, sec. 9.
187. Wherever the regulations made under authority of this Act re-
quire a greater width or size of yards, courts, or other open spaces, or
require a lower height of building or less number of stories, or require
a greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other higher
standards than are required in any other statute or local ordinance or
regulation, the provisions of the regulations made under authority of this-
Act shall govern. Wherever the provisions of any other statute or local
ordinance or regulation require a greater width or size of yards, courts or
other open spaces, or require a lower height of building or a less number
of stories, or require ai greater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or
impose other higher standards than are required by the regulations made
under authority of this Act, the provisions of such statute or local ordi-
nance or regulation shall govern.
1924, ch. 560, sec. 10.
188. It shall be competent for the officers, commission and Board of
Adjustment herein named to specially exempt from any general ordinance
or order, any building or structure now or hereafter to be erected, from,
the operations of the same, provided, such officers, commission or Board of
Adjustment shall deem the said building or its location necessary for the
public welfare, but always reserving the same right of successive appeal
herein contained relating to other matters.