are hereby authorized to levy a general tax upon all the property of the
City of Cumberland in an amount sufficient to pay all the notes, together
with the interest thereon, authorized by Chapter 706 of the Acts of 1927
of the General Assembly of Maryland, and said general tax shall be in-
cluded in the general levy of the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland,
and the amounts of money collected from said tax shall be placed in a
separate fund and used for the purpose of paying for and redeeming any
of the notes authorized by this Act or by Chapter 706 of the Acts of 1927,
together with the interest thereon, provided that whenever there is a suffi-
cient sum of money in the separate fund above mentioned to retire the
notes herein authorized or the notes authorized by Chapter 706 of the
Acts of 1927 and the interest thereon that then the obligation to make
said annual levy shall cease, and any money remaining in said separate
fund after the payment of all the outstanding notes, together with the
interest thereon, shall revert to the general funds of the City of Cumber-
land, and any money thereafter collected from any liens filed for the pur-
pose of collecting money expended under the authority of this Act shall
also revert to the general funds of said City.
1929, ch. 288, sec. 4.
148. The authority granted to the Mayor and City Council of Cum-
berland by Chapter 479 of the Acts of 1927 be and it is hereby extended
so as to enable said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland to include
in the special assessment district contemplated by Section 2 and Section
14 of Chapter 479 of the Acts of 1927 (Sections 116 and 128 of this Ar-
ticle), all of those properties which have been or may hereafter be sub-
jected to the flood waters of the Potomac River, situated on the West side
of Will's Creek, in said City of Cumberland, to be known as the West
Side Flood District, and said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland is
hereby authorized to make said assessment in the same manner as is
directed by said Chapter 479 of said Acts of 1927, reserving to the owners
of property therein all the rights created by said Act, provided that the
aggregate amount of the assessment against the property located on said
West side of Will's Creek shall not exceed the sum of twelve thousand
five hundred ($12,500.00) dollars, and shall be apportioned among the
several properties located therein in such proportion as the assessed value
of each of said properties bears to the total assessment of all real property
located in said West Side District.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 1.
149. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, Maryland, be, and
is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds to the amount of five
hundred thousand ($500,000.00) dollars, payabde at the end of thirty
*1929, ch. 57, authorizes the City of Cumberland to Issue $125,000 of bonds for
nurses home.