P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 199. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 195. 1890, ch. 288.
1910, ch. 272 (p. 927). 1818, ch. 9.
380. The Sheriff of Kent County shall be entitled to receive a sum not
exceeding sixty-five (65) cents a day for boarding and keeping each
prisoner committed to his custody, and the said Sheriff is hereby required
to keep a book at the jail, which he shall procure for the purpose, in
which he shall record the name of each prisoner committed to his custody,
and by that authority the time when received, and the offence charged, and
also the date of his discharge, which book shall be open to the inspection
of the County Commissioners, State's Attorney and Grand Jury; and
should the Sheriff neglect to keep said book or comply with any of the
duties which he is hereby required to perform, he shall be liable to indict-
ment, in the Circuit Court for Kent County, and, upon conviction shall
be fined not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
1914, ch. 58.
381. Any person in Kent County entitled to a lien under this sub-title
shall file a claim or statement of the same in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for said County; provided, that the statement of such lien
shall be filed within eighteen months from the date of the service of the
stallion or jackass for which the lien is claimed, and that the lien shall
terminate at the end of six months from the date of filing the same, and
for the proper recording of said lien the Clerk of said Court shall keep
a docket, to be called "The Stallion or Jackass Lien Docket," in which
shall be recorded all liens filed in said County. And it shall not be
necessary for the lienor to go personally before the Clerk of the Court to
make the affidavit as to such service, but he may make said affidavit before
a Justice of the Peace and forward it to said Clerk, with the record fees,
which, shall have as full effect as if sworn to before said Clerk.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 200. 1870, ch. 261. 1898, ch. 185.
382. The State's Attorney for Kent county shall receive for the trial
of cases in the Circuit Court for Kent county the same trial fees as are
now allowed by the rule of said court, and for trials or examinations which
appear before justices of the peace or the coroner, as the representatives of
the State, such reasonable compensation as may be allowed by the County
Commissioners of said county, which fees and compensation shall be passed
and paid as ordinary accounts against said county are now passed and paid.
*Ch. 58, 1914, repealed and re-enacted sec. 180 of Art. 27 of the Annotated Code
in so far as said section applied to Kent County.