from time to time by its order direct. Before selling said notes or any
part thereof, the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall cause an
advertisement to be inserted in at least two daily newspapers of the City
of Cumberland once a week for not less than two consecutive weeks, asking
bids on said notes, and stating the time and place when and where said
bids will be opened. The said bids shall be filed with the City Clerk of
the City of Cumberland, and at the time advertised shall be opened by
Mm in the presence of the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland in
public meeting, and if the said bids are satisfactory, the Mayor and City
Council shall sell the said notes so advertised to the highest responsible
bidder or bidders. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland may, if
in their opinion, the bids are insufficient, or unsatisfacotry, or for any
reason refuse any and all bids, and may re-advertise for further bids as
above specified, from time to time, until all of said notes are sold, or said
notes or any part thereof may be sold at private sale for not less than par.
1927, ch. 706, sec. 3.
142. That upon the issuance of said bonds or said notes or any of them
the amount of money so received therefor shall be placed in a fund and
used by the Mayor and City Council for the purposes of planning, de-
vising and putting into effect such flood prevention plans as the Mayor
and City Council of Cumberland may from time to time deem advisable,
and in furtherance of these purposes, said Mayor and City Council of
Cumberland may expend said money, or any part thereof, within or with-
out the present limits of the City of Cumberland, and within or without
the State of Maryland, under all the powers which now prevail in or which
may hereafter be granted to the Mayor and City of Cumberland for the
purposes of planning, devising and carrying into effect any and all flood
prevention plans which said Mayor and City Council may from time to
time deem advisable, with all the rights, powers and privileges to the said
Mayor and City Council of Cumberland to file liens, and collect the same,
against the property benefited by carrying into effect said flood prevention
plans, which are now secured or may hereafter be granted to said Mayor
and City Council by the laws of the State of Maryland, and when any
amounts are collected from property owners by reason of said flood pre-
vention plans, the money so collected shall be placed in a separate fund
and used: for the purpose of retiring the said "Flood Prevention Notes of
1927," and paying the interest on the same, and any excess so collected
over and above the amount required to retire all of said "Flood Preven-
tion Notes of 1927," which may be issued under this Act, to pay the
interest on the same, and to pay any money borrowed to pay said notes
as provided in Section 144 of this Article, shall be used for the purpose
of retiring and paying the interest on the "Flood Prevention Bonds of
1927" issued under this Act
1927, ch. 706, sec. 4.
143. In the event said bonds or notes, or any of them, are issued, the
Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall annually levy a special tax