P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 183. 1878, ch. 236.
326. After any private road shall be altered or widened under the two
preceding sections, the county commissioners shall direct the application
therefor, and the commissioners return thereof, to be recorded.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 184. 1878, ch. 236.
327. After the damages assessed and the costs of altering or widening
of said road shall be paid by the person applying for the same, the said
road as altered or widened shall be considered as the private road of the
applicant, who shall keep it open and repair the same at his own expense.
P. L. L. 1888, Art. 15, sec. 185. 1878, ch. 236.
328. Each commissioner, as compensation for his services, shall be
entitled to two dollars per day for every day he may be engaged under
the aforesaid appointment.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 186. 1878, ch. 236.
329. In case any person shall deem himself aggrieved by the proceed-
ings under the aforesaid application, or any order of the county commis-
sioners, he shall have the right of entering an appeal at any time within
sixty days from the time of such decision or order of said commissioners,
to the circuit court for said county, and the case shall be determined by
the judge thereof, or by a jury, at the option of either party.
1892, ch. 252.
330. The County Commissioners of Kent County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to open a street or road through a part of the yard
and garden of the late Annie E. Gale, in the village of Still Pond in said
county, and through a part of the yard and garden of a tenant house on
the lands of Robert G. Bowers in said county.
1929, ch. 216, sec. 186A.
331. In addition to any sentence of confinement in the County Jail
of Kent County which may be imposed for failure to pay any fine or fines
by the Circuit Court for Kent County, or any justice of the peace for
Kent County having criminal jurisdiction, said Court or justice shall
also in said sentence direct that any prisoner over sixteen years of age
who may be so sentenced shall be subject to perform labor for and during
the period of his imprisonment on the public roads of Kent County, or
on the public streets of any incorporated town in said county; provided,
that during the employment of such prisoner on the public streets of any
incorporated town, the town authorities of such town so employing such
prisoner shall be charged with the expense which may attend such employ-
ment, and provided further, that this Act shall not apply to female pris-