trace all the territory within the following metes and bounds: Beginning
on Chester river at the eastern bounds of the town, and the division line
between the lands leased out by Washington college and the lands of
Mrs. Mary R. Perkins, and running thence in a northerly direction with
said division line and the easterly bounds of said college lands, to the
intersection of Washington avenue with College avenue; thence westerly
in a straight line to the point where the public road from Chestertown
to Fairlee crosses the mill stream, the headwaters of Radcliffe creek;
thence in a southerly direction to the point of intersection of the lands
of Wm. S. Walker with the lands of the heirs of George B. Wescott, on
the public road leading from Chestertown into Quaker Neck; and thence
with the division line between said lands to Chester river; and thence
easterly, by and with Chester river, to the beginning; provided, no taxes
shall be levied by the commissioners of Chestertown, for corporate pur-
poses, upon any real estate situated in the newly added portion of said
town, unless the same is divided into lots of an acre or less in area, or
has a dwelling-house or other building thereon, and then not exceeding
one acre of such land shall be taxed in addition to the buildings; and pro-
vided, no public street or alley shall be opened by said commissioners of
Chestertown, through the campus or garden belonging and contiguous to
Washington college, withoiit the authority and consent of the visitors of
said college being first obtained therefor.
1906, ch. 528, sec. 50A.
87. The citizens of Chestertown, in Kent county, are a body corporate,
by the name of "The Commissioners of Chestertown," with all the powers
and privileges of a body politic and corporate, and by said corporate name
may have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court of law or equity, and have and use a common seal, and the
same to alter at pleasure; may hold, possess, purchase or otherwise ac-
quire for corporate purposes property, real, personal and mixed, and may
sell, dispose of and convey any such property for the benefit of said town;
provided, that the real estate to be purchased shall be limited to gravel
and sand lots, and the amounts to be expended therefor shall not exceed
one thousand dollars, in any one year.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 51. 1880, ch. 302. 1906, ch. 528, sec. 51.
88. There shall be three commissioners for Chestertown, all of whom
shall be taxpayers upon real or leasehold property in said town and at
least thirty years of age, who shall each be elected for a term of three
years; one of said commissioners shall be elected annually, as provided
by Section 90.
1908, ch. 357 (p. 876), sec. 51A.
89. The Commissioners of Chestertown shall each receive a salary of
one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum, payable quarterly in equal