3158 ARTICLE 15.
P. L. L., 1S88, Art. 15, sec. 30. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 30.
30. If any person shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for any mat-
ter or thing done in pursuance of this sub-title of this article, or anything
therein contained, he may plead the general issue and give the special
matter in evidence in his defence; and if, upon trial, verdict shall be given
for the defendant, or if the plaintiff be non-suited, or discontinue, the
defendant shall recover treble costs; and if the plaintiff shall be-unable
to satisfy the same, they shall be satisfied and paid by the attorney who
brought or prosecuted the suit, unless the plaintiff shall give security for
the costs, approved by the court.
1920, ch. 417.
31. The Trustees of the Almshouse of Kent County, Maryland, are
hereby authorized and empowered, for such consideration as they may
deem proper, to sell, either at public or private sale, and convey by deed,
all that farm or tract of land situate on the public road in Kent County,
Maryland, running northward from Lankford to the State road, and
adjoining the lands of I. R. Leaverton, J. Walter Skirven, and the Camp
Meeting Grounds, and now in the tenancy of J. Bayard Sutton; contain-
ing 320 acres of land, more or less, reserving that portion of the farm
now used for the purpose of the Almshouse, including about 10 acres of
land, more or less.
1904, ch. 675, sec. 1.
32. It shall be the duty of the judges of the Circuit Court of Kent
County, annually, on or after the year 1904, during the April term of said
court, to appoint from among the taxable inhabitants of said county, and
without the least reference to their political opinions, and of approved
character for competency and integrity, three persons who shall consti-
tute an auditing committee, whose duty it shall be to examine carefully
the accounts, vouchers, books and papers of the Board of County School
Commissioners and Treasurer thereof for Kent County, the Trustees of
the Poor of Kent County and County Commissioners of Kent County,
and to report the same in duplicate, one of said reports to be filed with
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for said county, and one with the County
Commissioners of said county; and the said County Commissioners are
hereby directed and empowered to publish said report, immediately upon
the filing of the same, in two newspapers in Kent County at their legal
rates for such length of time as the County Commissioners shall deem
1904, ch. 675, sec. 2.
33. It shall be the duty of the three persons, so as aforesaid appointed,
within thirty days after their appointment, to take and subscribe before
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Kent County, an oath to well and faith-
fully discharge the duties of a member of the said auditing committee