1922, ch. 469, sec. 16.
347. Every act* or punishable before any as a misdemeanor in this
Act, unless otherwise provided, shall be punishable before any justice
of the peace, or the Circuit Court of Carroll County, and shall be brought
by warrant or indictment upon the oath or information of any member of
the Mayor and Council or amy employees thereof, and the offender shall,
upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or
30 days in the county jail, or both, in the discretion of the court. Where
such an act or commission is of a continuing nature, and is persisted in,
in violation of the provisions of this Act, or any rule or regulation formu-
lated thereunder, a conviction for one offense shall not be a bar to a con-
viction for a continuation of such offense subsequent to the first or any
succeeding conviction.
1922, ch. 469, sec. 17.
348. During a calendar year, after the year in which the last of the
bonds issued under this Act are sold, the Mayor and Council may issue
bonds, for the extension, enlargement or improvement of the water and
sewerage systems, not in excess of $5,000, without a referendum, and all
other provisions of this Act shall become applicable to each of said bonds
1922, ch. 469, sec. 18.
349. The Board of Managers of the Springfield State Hospital are
hereby authorized and empowered to allow a connection of the water
system of Sykesville with the Hospital's filtered water system, at such
location and under such conditions of payment as may be agreed upon
by said Board of Managers and the Mayor and Council of Sykesville, or
to extend said Hospital's system to the location of said connection at the
expense of the town of Sykesville, as may be necessary; and said Board
of Managers are further authorized and empowered to supply at all timea
the town of Sykesville with such amount of water as may be required by
said town, as such reasonable rate or rates per thousand gallons as may
be mutually agreed upon by said Board of Managers and said Mayor and
Council, which rate or rates may be changed by mutual agreement as
conditions may require.
1922, ch. 469, sec. 19.
350. At the next regular election of the Mayor and Council there
shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the town, the question whether
bonds shall be issued for water and sewerage systems in Sykesville, and
at such election the ballots cast upon such question shall have thereon the
words "For Water and Sewerage Bonds" and "Against Water and Sewer-
age Bonds," and if a majority of the votes cast upon said question shall
be "For Water and Sewerage Bonds," then the Mayor and Council shall
proceed to execute the power vested in them by this Act, but if a majority
of the votes cast shall be "Against Water and Sewerage Bonds," then this
Act shall be of no effect, provided, however, that the same question shall
*The Act reads this way.