water main or sewer under their ownership. Said rates shall be uniform
throughout the town, but subject to change from time to time as neces-
sary. The rates for service shall consist of a ready to serve charge based
upon the size of the meter on the water connection leading to the prop-
erty, and of a charge for water used, which shall include the proportionate
cost of maintenance and operation of the sewerage system, and shall be
based upon the amount of water passing the meter during the period be-
tween the last two readings, said meter being required to be placed on
each water connection by, and at the sole expense of, the Mayor and Coun-
cil. In case a property is connected to the sewerage system but does not
use water from the municipal system, the Mayor and Council shall make
such rate for sewerage service as they shall deem proper. Bills for the
amount of the charges as above specified shall be sent quarterly or semi-
annually, as the Mayor and Council shall determine, to each property
served, and shall be thereupon payable at the office of the Mayor and
Council, and if any bill shall remain unpaid after thirty days from date
of sending, the Mayor and Council shall, after written notice, to be left
upon the premises or mailed to the last known address of the owner, turn
off the water from the property in question and it shall not be turned on
again until said bill shall have been paid, together with such turn-on
charge as the Mayor and Council shall require. If any bill shall remain
unpaid for sixty days after being sent out by the Mayor and Council, it
shall be collectible against the owner of the property served, in the same
manner as other public debts are collectable in the town of Sykesville.
1922, ch. 469, sec. 12.
343. The Mayor and Council may enter upon any county highway
within the corporate limits of the town of Sykesville for the purpose of
installing, maintaining and operating their water and sewerage systems,
and they may construct in such highway a water main or sewer or any
appurtenance thereof without the receipt of a permit or the payment of
a charge; provided that whenever any county highway is to be disturbed
the public authority having control thereof shall be duly notified, and
provided further that said highway shall be repaired and left by the
Mayor and Council in the same or a not inferior condition to that exist-
ing before being torn up, and that all costs incident thereto shall be borne
by the Mayor and Council.
1922, ch. 469, sec. 13.
344. Any employee or agent of the Mayor and Council shall have the
right of entry, at all reasonable hours, upon any private premises and into
any building in the town of Sykesville, while in the pursuit of his official
duties, any restraint or hindrance offered to such entrance by any owner
or tenant or agent of said owner or tenant, shall be a misdemeanor, pun-
ishable under Section 400 of this subtitle.