tions, and the police authorities of said cities are specially charged with
the execution thereof, and to that end shall direct nightly examinations
by some of their officers, of all such places.
1929, ch. 10.
114. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, a municipal corpo-
ration, is hereby authorized to condemn for its necessary public uses any
"private property located within the corporate limits of the City of Cum-
berland. Said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall condemn
said property in accordance with the provisions of Article 33A of Bagby's
Annotated Code of Maryland.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 1.
115. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland are hereby vested
with jurisdiction, power and authority to establish as hereinafter pro-
vided a Will's Creek Flood District, which may be entirely within or
partly within and partly without the corporate limits of the said City of
Cumberland as now located or as may be hereafter located, and said
Mayor and City Council are hereby authorized to do all or any of the
things and acts hereinafter mentioned for the purposes of preventing
floods, and of lessening the danger and damage incident to floods in said
"Will's Creek Flood District and in any other part of the City of Cumber-
1927, ch. 479, sec. 2.
116. The manner and method by which said Will's Creek Flood Dis-
trict shall be determined shall be as follows:
The said Mayor and City Council shall appoint a commission of three
representative citizens of the City of Cumberland, who shall serve for
such period of time and for such compensation as the Mayor and City
Council of Cumberland may by ordinance provide, and which said com-
mission shall have the power and authority to obtain engineering advice,
and who shall make or cause to be made a survey of all the lands and
property located in any part of the City of Cumberland which has here-
tofore been affected, or is hereafter in danger of being affected, by the
overflow or any part thereof or any water from the stream of water known
as Will's Creek (whether said overflowing water is commingled with
water from other streams or not) when the same is flowing at flood tide,
and having thus determined what properties have heretofore been affected
by such overflowing waters or which are in danger of being affected in
the future by such waters, the said commission shall thereupon report the
location of such property, together with the name of the owner or owners
thereof, and a short description of the same, or a reference to the deed or