3136 ARTICLE 14.
terest, and after deducting all the amounts in hand applicable to payment
of interest and principal on said bonds, as hereinafter provided, they shall
determine the number of cents per $100 necessary to raise the amount
remaining. The Mayor and Council in their next annual levy shall levy
said tax on all land and improvements and any other property assessed
for municipal purposes within the town of Sykesville, which tax shall be
levied and collected as the town taxes are now or may be hereafter by
the law levied and collected, and have the same priority rights, bear the
same interest and penalties, and in every respect be treated the same as
other taxes of Sykesville now are. From the money so received, together
with the amount in hand to the credit of said bond fund, the Mayor and
Council shall first pay all interest on said bonds as it matures and shall
then deposit in some bank or banks in Sykesville, in their name, as a
fund to be known as the "Water and Sewerage Sinking Fund Account,"
the amount required for payment of the Principal of said bonds. Should
receipts from said taxes and assessments be inadequate to deposit the
principal payment on said bonds, by reason of defaults or otherwise, such
deficiency shall be added to and collected in the next year's tax. The
Mayor and Council are authoried to pay the interest on any bonds they
may issue prior to the first tax-levying period out of the proceeds of the
sale of said bonds. In order that the prompt payment of interest and the
proper provision for the payment of the principal of said bonds shall be
assured, the prompt and proper performance of the respective acts and
duties heretofore defined is specifically enjoined, and failure upon the
part of the Mayor and Council or any of their agents to perform the
necessary acts and duties hereafter get forth, to pay over the said funds
as required, or to use said funds or any part thereof, for any other pur-
pose than for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, is
hereby declared a misdemeanor and punishable as other misdemeanors are
punishable by Section 400 of this subtitle.
1922, ch. 469, sec. 5.
336. When this Act shall have become effective the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall proceed to have surveys, plans and specifications, prepared for
complete water and sewerage systems. When said plans and specifications
have been completed, the Mayor and Council shall advertise, by notice
in such newspapers and technical press as they may deem proper, for
bids for the construction of said systems in parts or as a whole, as their
judgment may appear advisable. The contract or contracts shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder, or the Mayor and Council may reject
any or all bids, and, if in their discretion the prices quoted are unrea-
sonable, they shall readvertise the work, or may do any part or all of the
work by day labor; provided that at any time the Mayor and Council
may, in their discretion, expend for day labor on construction work an
amount not exceeding $2,000 without advertising or receiving bids. All
contracts may be protected by such bonds, penalties and conditions as