3100 ARTICLE 14.
council of Ellicott City; the same person shall not again be licensed with-
in two years of the time of said revocation.
1922, ch. 277.
220. The provisions of this Article shall not apply, nor be construed
to apply to a registered druggist or pharmacist holding a permit from the
United States Government to dispense liquor or intoxicating drinks on
prescriptions of regularly practicing physicians, for non-beverage pur-
poses, and any and all duly registered druggists or pharmacists holding
such permits, engaged in such business, or who shall hereafter engage in
the drug business in Ellicott City, as aforesaid, shall be, and they are1
hereby authorized to buy, hold and dispense within said corporate limits
alcoholic liquors, for medicinal purposes, under the license and authority
of the United States Government.
1927, ch. 691, sec. 98H.
221. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, or any house,
company, association or body corporate, to sell directly or indirectly, or
receive orders for the purchase of, or give to any person or persons under
twenty-one years of age, within the limits of Howard County, any spirit-
uous or fermented liquors or intoxicating drinks of any kind whatsoever,
or any article used or sold as a beverage in the composition of which
whiskey, brandy, high wines or alcohol, or any spirituous or fermented
liquors shall be an ingredient or ingredients.
Redwood v. State, 155, Md. 13.
1927, ch. 691, sec. 98-I.
222. No person, persons, house, company or association or body cor-
porate, shall deposit, keep or have in his, her or their or its possession,
within the limits of Howard County any spirituous or fermented liquors,
or intoxicating drinks of any kind whatsoever, or any article used or sold
as a beverage in the composition of which whiskey, brandy, high wines or
alcoholic, spirituous or fermented liquors shall be an ingredient or in-
gredients, with intent to barter or sell, or give to a minor or minors, or
with the intent that the same shall be bartered or sold, or given to a minor
or minors, or to aid or assist any person, persons, house, company, asso-
ciation or body corporate, in such barter, or sale, or gift.
1927, ch. 691, sec. 98J.
223. No person, persons, house, company, association or body cor-
porate, shall deposit, keep or have in his, her or their or its possession in
Howard County, any materials or instrumentalities for the manufacture
of any spirituous or fermented liquors, or intoxicating drinks of any
kind whatsoever, with the intent to manufacture for sale, or barter, or to
give to a minor or minors, in violation of any of the provisions of said
Sections 221 and 222 of this Article, or to aid or assist any person, per-
sons, house, company, association or body corporate in such manufacture.