1892, ch. 280.
33. The cost of maintaining said bridge and keeping it in repair shall
be borne equally by Baltimore and Howard Counties; and the county com-
missioners of said counties are hereby authorized and empowered to levy
upon the assessable property of their respective counties such sums of
money as may be necessary from time to time to defray said cost in the
proportion aforesaid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 36. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 2. 1927, ch. 216.
34. There shall be two terms of the Circuit Court for Howard County,
held at Ellicott City, in said County, on the third Monday of March and
the third Monday of September in each year.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 37. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 3.
35. The judges of said court, in their discretion, may appoint inter-
mediate terms for the transaction of equity and other business not requir-
ing a jury, to which process may also be returnable.
1908, ch. 682, sec. 37A (p. 858). 1927, ch. 217.
36. In addition to the first day of each term of the Circuit Court for
said County, the first Monday in February, the second Monday in April,
the third Monday in July and the first Monday in November of each year
shall be return days for the return of processes in civil cases.
1920, ch. 606.
37. Every bailiff attending the Circuit Court for Howard County shall
be entitled to the sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) for each day he shall
attend said Court; and upon the certificate of the Clerk of said Court,
stating the number of days the said bailiffs have attended the said Court,
the County Commissioners for Howard County shall levy for the use of
said bailiffs, the amounts that may be due them.
1908, ch. 682, sec. 37B (p. 858).
38. All original writs of execution, attachments, replevin, ejectment,
scire facias and habere facias, as well as all other writs and process issued
from or returnable to said court in civil cases, shall be made returnable
to the first return day or to the first day of the term, whichever shall first
occur, after the issue of the same, unless otherwise ordered, in writing,
by the party directing the same or his attorney; and on the return of
an original writ, not issued or served, the same may be renewed return-
able to the next return day or to the first day of the succeeding term,
whichever shall first occur.