same will facilitate the Treasurer of said county in the discharge of his
duties hereunder, shall be possessed by and hereby given to said Treas-
urer ; but he shall not by implication be held to possess any of the powers
of such collectors as might tend to delay him in the discharge of his
duties, or render the purpose of this Act more difficult.
1916, ch. 108.
490. Any person who has received a diploma from a Veterinary School
or College lawfully authorized to confer the same and who has maintained
an office for the practice of veterinary medicine in Harford County for
the period of ten years before the passage of this Act, upon submission of
proof of such facts to the State Veterinary Medical Board of Maryland,
and the payment of the fee of $1.00, shall be licensed by said Board to
practice veterinary medicine in Harford County without examination.
And any person not a graduate of a school or college lawfully authorized
to confer a degree in veterinary medicine, who has been engaged in the
practice of veterinary medicine as a means of livelihood in said Harford
County for the period of ten years before the passage of this Act, shall
upon the proof of such facts to the State Medical Board of Maryland be
allowed to continue the practice of the same and be entitled to be regis-
tered by said Board within twelve months from the date of the passage
of this Act.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 489.
491. If any person shall place, cast or throw into any stream, spring
or reservoir in said county from which any water company or town or
city in said county obtains water for domestic use or other purposes,
any dead body or carcass of any animal whatever, or cast or throw into
said water any thing calculated to obstruct or hinder the flow of said
water in the pipes of said company, or in any manner cause said water
to become impure or unfit for such service for a distance of not less than
three miles on said stream above the place whence such water is taken,
he shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than ten nor more than fifty
dollars, one-half to the informer and the other half to the city or town
in which such water works are situated, or be imprisoned in the county
jail not less than ten or more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion
of the court; said fines to be recovered by action of debt in the name of
the State before a justice of the peace.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 490.
492. The standard of weights and measures for Harford County shall
be deposited in the office of the county commissioners, and it shall be