and bound such road accordingly, giving it the proper width to which
it may be entitled, being not less than thirty feet in any case; and they
shall make and return to the county commissioners a plat of such road,
with a full report of their proceedings, under their hands.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 450.
441. The examiners, before they proceed to act, shall take an oath to
execute the trust reposed in them by the commission issued to them,
faithfully and without favor, affection or partiality, which oath shall be
endorsed on the commission and returned therewith.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 451.
442. Upon the expiration of ten days from the return of the examiners,
the county commissioners, after hearing and considering any objection
that may be made, shall proceed to pass judgment thereon, and affirm or
reject the same, or order it to be amended, in their discretion, and may
continue over their proceedings to their next meeting, and so from time
to time, so long as they shall, in their judgment, think such continuance
necessary for the purpose of justice; and their final judgment, in relation
to such road, and the plat thereof, as confirmed by such judgment, shall
be recorded among the land records of the county by the clerk of the
Circuit Court in a separate book, to be by him provided for that purpose;
and for such recording, the clerk shall be entitled to charge and be paid
by the county commissioners, according to the rate for recording such
matters authorized by law; and the resurvey of such road as established
and confirmed by the judgment of the county commissioners, or certified
copies of the record thereof, shall be taken and received as full and
sufficient evidence of the true location of such road.
Greenland v. Co. Commissioners, 68 Md. 59.
1929, ch. 487, sec. 451A.
443. The said Commissioners may have prepared by the County Sur-
veyor an official road map of the county, upon which shall be designated
all county roads and the distance between intersections of roads or prom-
inent thereon; whenever a new road shall be opened or accepted or an old
road altered or closed its location or the fact that it has been altered or
closed shall be properly designated on said map. Said Commissioners
may, at their discretion, have finger-boards or sign posts placed at road
crossings or intersections designating the distance to the nearest promi-
nent point and may give suitable names to the county roads and change
the same as they may see fit.
Said County Commissioners shall have the power to let out the repair
or maintenance of any road or portion of a road by contract when, in
the judgment of the County Roads Engineer, such course is deemed advis-
able, in which case preference shall be given, where practicable, to the
owners of land directly interested in the proper care of such road or
roads, and such work shall be done under the supervision of said Roads