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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2956   View pdf image (33K)
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2956 ARTICLE 13.

1916, ch. 680, sec. 287.

280. Immediately after their appointment the said Supervisors of
Election shall furnish to the City Clerk for the purpose of registration
registry books for said City, which it shall be the duty of said Clerk to
protect and keep safe. The said registry books shall be prepared sub-
stantially in the same form as the registry books of Harford County are
now by law required to be prepared.

Moore v. Bay, 149 Md. 286.

1916, oh. 680, sec. 288. 1924, ch. 78.

281. On the third and fourth Mondays and Tuesdays in April, and on
the first Monday and Tuesday in May in the year nineteen hundred and.
two, the City Clerk shall sit at the Council Chamber between the hours-
of nine o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M., for the purpose of a new
and general registration of the legally qualified voters of the City of"
Havre de Grace. And likewise thereafter on the second Monday and
Tuesday in April of each year in which a municipal election is to be held
the said City Clerk shall likewise sit during the same hours as officer of
registration for said City for the purpose of registering the legally quali-
fied voters of said City.

It shall be the duty of said Clerk to enter in alphabetical order upon
the registry book the name of every person appearing before him at the'
times above specified, and requesting to be registered; provided he shall
be satisfied by the oath of said person, or otherwise, that he is a citizen of
the United States above the age of twenty-one years and has the property
and other qualifications required by this Act for voters of said City, and
the Clerk shall have power to administer the oath required by this sec-
tion. On the Monday following the close of the registration the Mayor
and City Council shall revise the list, striking therefrom the names of"
all persons who are dead, or who have removed from the City, or who are-
otherwise disqualified as voters; and within one week thereafter they shall
publish by hand-bills to be set up at the City Hall, and in at least two
other public places in said city, a list of names that have been stricken
from the registration books, as well as a list of the new names added thereto
Any person feeling aggrieved by the action of the Clerk in registering
or refusing to register the name of any person as aforesaid, or by the
Mayor and City Council in striking out or in refusing to strike out the
name of any person, as aforesaid, shall have the right of a hearing before
the Council, which shall have power to determine matter, subject to an.
appeal to the Circuit Court for Harford County. The Clerk, by hand-
bills and by advertisement inserted in two newspapers if so many be pub-
lished in said City, shall give at least two weeks' previous notice of the-
time and place of the sitting for the registration of voters, and at the
same time he shall give notice of the time and place of the sitting of the
City Council for the review of the registration lists.

The Mayor and City Council shall provide for an entire new registra-
tion in the year 1926 and every seven years thereafter, but no entire new


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2956   View pdf image (33K)
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