1892, ch. 445, sec. 3.
523. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to prevent the
payment in whole or in part of the wages of any such employee, in the
notes of any bank payable to bearer on demand that shall be current at
par in this State at the time of such payment but all payments made in
such notes with consent of such employees shall be as valid and effective
as if made in legal tender money of the United States.
1892, ch. 445, sec. 4.
524. Any corporation before mentioned which shall directly or indi-
rectly enter into any contract, or make any payment hereby declared
illegal, shall be liable to indictment, and upon conviction thereof in any
court of competent jurisdiction, shall for the first offense be fined one
hundred dollars, and for each succeeding offense not less than five hun-
dred dollars or more than one thousand dollars.
1894, ch. 608.
525. Every piece of land in Garrett county upon which the owner shall
dig, bore or sink a well, for the purpose of procuring water for domestic
use, shall be subject to a lien for the payment of all debts, contracts for
work done or materials furnished for or about the same, in the same
manner and to the same extent that buildings are subject to mechanics'
lien under Article 63 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland;
and the provisions of said Article 63 shall apply, so far as they are appli-
cable, to the claiming, filing and enforcing of liens under this Act; and all
liens filed or claimed under this Act shall, so far as may be, conform to
the provisions of said Article 63, Public General Laws of Maryland.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 228. 1914, ch. 679. 1916, ch. 13. 1918, ch. 61.
1920, ch. 105, sec. 228. 1922, ch. 365.
526. Any citizen of the State of Maryland who shall kill or destroy
any wildcat, weasel or fox within, the limits of Garrett County, shall be
entitled to the following allowance or bounty, viz.: For each wildcat, the
sum of two dollars; for each weasel, the sum of fifty cents; for each fox,
the sum of two dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 229. 1920, ch. 105, sec. 229.
527. To obtain such allowance it shall be necessary for the person kill-
ing such animal to produce the head, skin or scalp of the same before some
justice of the peace for said county, and at the same time make oath that
the animal or bird was taken and killed within the limits of Garrett
County, within sixty days before the production of the head, skin or scalp
before the justice, the said justice shall thereupon give the person pro-
ducing the same a certificate that such head, skin or scalp was produced