2858 ARTICLE 12.
($150.00), to be collected by the County Treasurer and to be turned over
to a committee of citizens of the village of Swanton, in said county, for
the purpose of improving the streets and sidewalks in said village.
1929, ch. 44, sec. 224B.
509. The Committee of citizens to expend the money in improving the
streets and sidewalks, as provided in the preceding section, shall serve
without compensation and shall be composed of R. W. Sheckells, Lemuel
Friend and Arthur H. Green. In case of a vacancy in said committee,
the remaining members shall name his successor, who must be a resident
of the village of Swanton.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 225. 1882, ch. 73. 1892, ch. 79, sec. 75A.
510. No land owner or tenant of any land owner in Garrett County
shall permit any "Canada Thistles," to grow to seed upon the land owned
or rented by him, as the case may be.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 226. 1882, ch. 73. 1892, ch. 79, sec. 75B.
511. If any such land owner or tenant shall permit any Canada this-
tles to so grow to seed, on the land owned or rented by him, he shall be
fined a sum of not less than one nor more than five dollars every day
he shall permit the same to remain standing on his land after the same
shall have developed or grown to bear seed, such a fine or fines to be
recovered before any justice of the peace in said county, as other small
fines are now recovered, and the proceeds of such fine or fines to be paid
to the County Commissioners of Garrett County for the use of said county.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 227. 1882, ch. 73. 1892, ch. 79, sec. 75C.
512. No road supervisor in said county shall permit any such Canada
thistles to grow to seed upon any land belonging to any public roads in said
county adjoining or being part of any road under his charge, and if any
supervisor shall permit the same he shall be liable to the fine provided
in sub-section seventy-five B, hereof to be recovered for the use of said
county as provided in said last preceding section.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 219. 1878, ch. 108.
513. No person other than a bona fide resident of said county shall
drive or cause to be driven upon, or permit any of his horses, hogs, sheep
or black cattle to enter any of the lands of any citizen of said county,
whether said lands be enclosed or not, without the permission of such
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 72, se'c. 220. 1878, ch. 108.
514. If any horses, sheep, hogs or black cattle of any non-resident shall
at any time be found running at large upon the land of any citizen of