2816 ARTICLE 12.
proceed to collect said tax out of the personal property of such person or
corporation; and if the said tax catnnot be made out of the personal prop-
erty of such person or corporation, then the same may be collected out of
the rents of his, her or their real estate by due process of law, or the
Treasurer may sell such real estate for the payment of taxes by complying
with the same requirements as the Treasurer of Garrett County.
1896, ch. 450, sec. 23. 1902, ch. 592, sec. 23. 1920, ch. 242, sec. 23.
362. The Treasurer shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a deed
of the property sold, and the said deed shall convey to the purchaser of
said property a good title thereto, and shall be presumptive evidence that
all the requirements of the law have been complied with in making assess-
ments levy, sale and deed; and unless the delinquent owner or owners
of said property, or his or their grantee, mortgagee, assignee or legal
representative shall within one year from the date of said tax sale redeem
such property by paying to the purchaser or his legal representative the
whole amount of money paid by him for said property, with interest
thereon at fifteen per centum per annum, said title shall become absolute
and indefensible.
1896, ch. 450, sec. 24. 1902, ch. 592, aec. 24. 1920, ch. 242, sec. 24.
363. The Treasurer shall make all collections required of him and
report to the clerk in writing within six months from the time the same
is placed in his hands the total collected, from whom collected, and the
amounts still outstanding, if any, and the said clerk shall immediately
make a record thereof. The Treasurer shall assess all improvements or
additions to properties in the town which may be made after a general
assessment or which may come to his knowledge as being omitted from the
assessment books of the town, and an appeal may be taken from his valua-
tion in the Council.
1896, ch. 450, sec. 25. 1902, ch. 592, sec. 25.
364. The chief bailiff shall attend all meetings of the Council and per-
form such duties as the Mayor and Council shall direct. He shall preserve
the peace and good order of the town, and for this purpose he is invested
with the same jurisdiction, power and authority as any constable of Gar-
rett county has under the laws of this State.
1896, ch. 450, sec. 26.
365. The Council shall provide suitable badges, which shall be worn
in plain view by the chief bailiff and under-bailiffs at all times, when in
the performance of the duties of their office. The duties of the under-
bailiffs, when appointed, shall be to assist the chief bailiff, and they shall
be subject to his order and directions; for that purpose they shall have
all the power and authority herein conferred on the chief bailiff.
1896, ch. 450, sec. 27. 1920, ch. 242, sec. 27.
366. The Mayor shall have all of the power of a justice of the peace
in criminal cases for the violation of the provisions of the charter or ordi-