1914, ch. 237, sec. 21. 1918 Code, sec. 816.
846. The Bailiff shall attend the meetings of the Board of Commis-
sioners when required, and perform such duties as it may direct. It shall
be his duty to serve all process issued under and by virtue of the laws,
ordinances and resolutions of the corporation, which shall come into his
hands, and to make return thereof according to law, and it shall be his
duty diligently to enquire into and give immediate information to the
Burgess of all offenses committed against the laws and ordinances of the
corporation and under his direction rigidly enforce the same.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 22. 1918 Code, sec. 817.
847. The Bailiff shall receive the same fees for making arrests or
serving process for violation of any ordinance of the corporation, as are
allowed constables for similar cases, and when the Bailiff wilfully fails to
discharge any duty of his office, he may, in addition to the remedy on his
bond, be fined by the Commissioners in their discretion, not exceeding
ten dollars for any one offense for the payment of which said fine his bond
shall be liable.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 23. 1918 Code, sec. 818.
848. The Burgess and Commissioners shall not expend in one year
more money than the amount received for taxes and other sources for that
1914, ch. 237, sec. 24. 1918 Code, sec. 819.
849. The clerk, bailiff and such other officers as shall be provided for
by ordinance, shall give bond to the Burgess and Commissioners in such
penalties and with such sureties as said Burgess and Commissioners may
require, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their
respective offices.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 25. 1918 Code, sec. 820.
850. The parts of the several county roads and all streets now open
and known as public streets, within the corporate limits of said town, are
hereby made and declared to be public streets or avenues of said town, and
shall be from time to time improved and repaired, as in the discretion of
the Burgess and Commissioners, the public interests may require, and
the resources of the town may justify. The provisions of this section shall
not be construed to interfere with the rights of the Woodsboro and Fred-
erick Turnpike Company in maintaining their road through said town;
provided, however, that the corporation of Walkersville may establish
building lines, street lines, curb lines, glitters, grades and sidewalks along
said road within the corporate limits of said town in the same manner as
along other highways.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 26. 1918 Code, sec. 821.
851. The Burgess and Commissioners may impose and appropriate
fines, penalties and forfeitures for the breach of their by-laws and ordi-