2652 ARTICLE 11.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 319. 1918 Code, sec. 742.
770. They shall have power to appoint a clerk and assign his duties,
allowing him such compensation for his services as they shall think
proper; and all ordinances passed by aaid commissioners shall be entered
by their clerk in a book kept by him for that purpose, and shall at all
times be open for the inspection of any persons interested; and copies of
all ordinances shall be put up in the most public places of said village.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 320. 1918 Code, sec. 743.
771. The corporate bounds of said village for all purposes except taxa-
tion by the laws of the corporation, shall be as follows: Beginning at the
junction of the roads leading from Thurmont to Graceham, and the road
leading from said road towards Apple's Church, between the lands of
William J. Black and James Creeger, and with said road north fifteen
and a quarter degrees, east eighty-eight perches, north sixteen and a half
degrees, east seventy-eight perches; thence through the lands of John R.
Bollen, north fifty degrees, west one hundred and fifty-one perches to the
north corner of Milton E. Biggs' dwelling; thence north seventy-eight
degrees, west one hundred and sixty perches, ending in a road; thence
south sixty-eight degrees, west one hundred and ten perches, south fifty
degrees, west ninety perches; thence south twenty degrees, east one hun-
dred and seventy-six perches; thence south one and a half degrees, west
eleven perches; thence south fifty-two degrees, east two hundred and forty-
six perches to a bridge near a forge and lime kiln; then by a straight line
to the beginning.
1920, ch. 551.
772. The police limits of the town of Thurmont, in Frederick County,
Maryland, shall extend one-half mile in all directions beyond the corpo-
rate limits of said town and the Commissioners of Thurmont are hereby
authorized to extend the use and operation of the Electric Light plant
owned by said town of Thurmont in the police limits of said town on the
same terms and conditions the said plant is operated in the corporate
limits of said town. Nothing in this Act is intended or shall be taken
or construed as relieving the Commissioners of Thurmont from any and
all provisions of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1910, known as the "Public 'Service Commission Law" or
any amendment thereto.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 321. 1918 Code, sec. 744.
773. All fines and forfeitures under the ordinances of said corporation
may be recovered as small debts are recoverable before any justice of the
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 322. 1918 Code, sec. 745.
774. The commissioners shall have power to make all such by-laws,
regulations and ordinances as shall not conflict with the constitution and
laws of the State of Marvland.